So, as I'm in my recovery stages of being robbed of internal organs (aka: my GB....."Gallbladder"), I would simply LOOOOVE to share my story and pet peeves with you. My top pet peeve happened to me while I was trying to watch WANTED at the theatre that's closest to my apartment this weekend. I'm not a big fan of public theatres for several reasons:
1) loud ass teenagers that act SOOO much harder than they really are (I'm always waiting for an adult to beat the SH** out of one of them for talking sh** to the adult, I hope I have my camera with me when that goes down) YOU TUBE...YES PLEASE!
2) the price of ANY food item once you get inside
3) the fat person that ends up sitting next to me eating Chipotle burritos making the theatre STANK LIKE SH**!
4) folks STILL talking on their cell phones, or ANSWERING them when the movies start (not during previews cuz I could really give a sh** when those are playing for the first 20 minutes)
5) the fact that there are COMMERCIALS being played instead of upcoming movie previews inside the theatre....apparently you CAN'T escape them when you leave your TV at home either.
But the TOP reason that I HATE going to the theatre is when some ghetto ass folks bring their new born baby to a rated R film at 10pm on a week night! 'You've GOT to be sh**ing me' you might be saying out loud to yourself right now (or you can relate to this right along with me)....but YES folks, I encountered one of "those" moments where my jaw dropped as her and her "man" looked for a seat in the dark to watch WANTED with me and my friend that was with me. It's the same feeling you get when you're on an airplane and you get that middle seat for three and there's a person falling asleep on your shoulder droiling on one side, and on the other is an EXTREMELY fat person that can't keep it all together in their seat.....SAME FEELING folks.
Now a good friend of mine reminded me that 'stereotypes are great time savers' and honestly at moments like THAT ONE, I have to say...the black race lost 2 points from me again. Somebody please make these points back up so the races can even out again....throw in a white trash piece of news...ANYTHING, just please stop making the, "bringing your new born baby to a voilent rated R film late at night to a movie theatre" a predicted action that happens when I go out to see a movie. I BEG YOU!!!!
On an extremely random side-note, Puffy was doing shots of Vodka with Ellen D. here's the clip:
Moral: Stop living up to your stereotypes, no matter what race you are....STOP IT
First of all Puffy and Ellen taking shots was pretty funny, would have been funnier if Ellen got wasted. Maybe next time.
Allow me to even it out to prove once again that I hate all stupid people on this Earth equally. Take a look at this asshole: "Radio talk show host Michael Savage, who described 99 percent of children with autism as brats, said Monday he was trying to "boldly awaken" parents to his view that many people are being wrongly diagnosed."
First Diddy loses the lead in Any Given Sunday because he can't throw a football. Now, he goes on Ellen and can't even go shot for shot with her. Sadness all around. Anyways, I'm glad you're feeling better. Good to see you back on the web and getting some thoughts out to us.
I can't even tolerate a movie theater after 3PM because of the ignorance that trots in. Otherwise, I just keep going to the theaters in Annapolis or Columbia...metro doesn't go to either place!
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