Yes folks, you heard right. Batman was straight up at my grandma's house for the past three nights. She told me herself. So what does this mean for me? Well apparently our little friend Batman decided to have some kids and teach them how to fly at night in my grandma's bedroom (not cute), so my aunt, my mom, and myself (as well as my grandma), had to walk all around the house looking in vents and all sorts of fun places to look for this sick-son-of-a-bitch of a bat so it wouldn't attack my poor grandma at night.
Well after sitting outside in a beach chair in front of my grandma's house for 2 f***ing hours staring directly at the vent that the bat may (or may not) fly out of at night...I came to realize a few things:
1) I looked like a hick
2) this plan was NOT going to work
3) don't they have companies that you can call up to do this for you???
4) watching my mom walk around my grandma's house with a broom hitting the walls and everything in site is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. That will be found on YouTube when you type in "Semrific" as your search.
Not only was I the last person on earth that was helpful in this situation, but there was also pretty much NOTHING that I could control or do and I wasted just about 5 hours with my mom, aunt and grandmother doing literally NOTHING. Just sitting there outside looking like the finest white trash that you may set your eyes on in this life time.
Moral: Not everything goes according to plan, make way for other options ALWAYS
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