So I watched the ENTIRE show of the 2009 BET Awards last night...and I must say, I WASN'T disapointed. I was impressed, probably because I work in media so I know how flipping almost an entire awards show is BEYOND impossible to accomplish successfully in 3 days, but here's the ingrediants that you would need to pull it off the RIGHT WAY:
1) make Jamie Foxx the host (he's good at improv, singing, comedy, he's on POINT with all your hosting needs and filling in time)
2) make the dedications to MJ subtitle with your own versions of your favorite videos/ styles of him.
3) don't be extra and show humanity...which MOST of the artists there did surprisingly, they showed MUCH respect to the tragic circumstances
So that's my analysis on the BET awards this year. If you didn't know why this was so impressive let me break it down for you. After MJ passed away on Thursday this past week, BET re-did all those that were set to perform, and they all had a MJ theme, or performed one of his songs. But they actually did this successfully! I also must note something that my roommate brought up, which is that we both suspect that Usher / Justin Timberlake etc. were not picked to perform ANY MJ songs because they're straight copy cats of his original style and wouldn't have done this well or tastefully at all. She also said that she believes that MJ's family made specific requests of who should NOT perform (those who never had a relationship with MJ, vs. those that did). What you SHOULDN'T do at the BET Awards, only give Beyonce awards, let Soulja Boy perform what he considers a "song" (it was just a mono-tone consistant noise like a fog horn), don't promote the worst shows to come up this year on your network either (ex: Tiny & Toya)
Oh yeah and Jay-Z killed it with his new song Auto-Tone check it out HERE. Basically he's knocking on all the new "hip hop" artists coming out with what I consider GARBAGE MUSIC because it is, no meaning, just some straight bull sh**. Tired of it, and glad that Jay came out with something new that addresses just that. LETS REVIVE REAL HIP HOP FOLKS!!! I'M MISSING IT LIKE NO OTHER!!! Oh yeah and ALICIA KEYS LOOKED BEYOND BEAUTIFUL, can't say sh** about her other than she's one of THE BEST out there. HANDS DOWN!
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