Well the race ball has rolled into our lives again, with the current "news" story where two sisters living in Long Island with their family have been stopped at malls, and on the street by strangers asking them if they're Obama's daughters. Not only are the people that are coming up to them the dumbest people on earth (really?...you wouldn't think that secret service would be all over the place with their daughters just wondering the mall??? Stupid as dish water), but these strangers are also oblivious to how racist their mind subconcsiously is. Thinking it is one, blatently saying something ignorant out loud is another. Congrats to you Long Island, you've now become the second most racist place in the states that I most likely will never go to....just like South Carolina.
Want all the details? Of course your curious now...don't worry your pretty little face, here ya go:
What would America be without racial issues all of the time?.......BETTER, that's what. Lets all just mix and merge so nobody can figure out what anyone is anymore, we'll just create one race which is called the HUMAN RACE (what a concept right?). People are so ignorant sometimes it makes me sick to my stomach.
1 comment:
Pretty lame stuff. Can't say I'm really surprised.
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