I call her the light skinned Lady Gaga of hip hop.....not kidding. With her candy cotton looking hair, snake Egyption nails etc....body suits. She's like a cartoon character, which I do dig because I LOOOOOOOOVE girls with a SHOW-OFF style (which she clearly has). She's cute too, her NY accent reminds me of an SNL skit (which I also dig). I'm not so sure I really like her trying to come off as "street"...all of that gets erased as soon as she opens her mouth and how she's dressed. If she walked the streets up in the Bronx you KNOW something would happen to her, hands down. So she walks in "her" area that she knows. I'm tired of the online "freestyle battles" anyways....that mess died when hip hop started falling off and going zig zagged etc.
It's just a show, nothing authentic, but because her lyrics can be highly entertaining (like the female version of Lil Wayne), I must give her some props for her cartoon style, and animated version she gives off to her audience. Here's some other clips of her from Lopez Tonight where you can learn a bit more about HER as a person etc. (she's got a sh** load of haters), that much I do know from other blogs and she did bother me when I first saw her because LADY GAGA already exists, this is just another variation of the copy cat. But most girls hate pretty girls anyways, so that's understandable and clearly what's happening in this "hateraide" as well, haha.