Monday, March 30, 2009

Ying Yang Twinzzzzzz.....FAIL

There are times when I'm ashamed that I actually watched this entire clip, but it's pretty much like a train can you not stare at it? If you can give me a good enough reason not to, then I might consider it, but if there's no good reason...then I'll just have to continue watching this crap on TV.

ENJOY this stereotype ....just like my sister-in-law said, "this might set my people a few years back" enough said girl...enough said.

Friday, March 27, 2009


I have SUCH a girl crush on Gwen Stefani it's not even funny. I'm her natural endorser for ANY product she's putting out there. HANDS DOWN. Why you ask? the videos and tell me she's not the coolest MFer that's animated, yet chill all at the same time right now?


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

P gets down with the get down at Micky D'zzzzz

P was oversea's (big surprise), but then he broke down what he wanted...which kicks a** because he remembers the songs from the 80's that most kids don't know. They used to give us RECORDS in our HAPPY MEALS!!!! Yeah son, I remember those days!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Have you recently been layed off???...check this out

Like most of you, you're either working and fearing that the FINAL cuts that have been made to your company are not completely over yet...or you just have no clue what is going to happen next. Unfortunately those are the times that we're living in and I know TOO many people that have been layed off in the past 2 months. I came across this article that can REALLY help you out if you're in that same boat of people.

Check it out:


Monday, March 23, 2009

I never knew I could get so hyped up over riding a boat...

You know...sometimes there's just no single way to express Brilliant ideas...but this is one way:

Oh yeah...that JUST HAPPENED!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's time to make the MOST of YOUR day!

There are two types of folks right now roaming American turf...those WITH jobs, and those WITHOUT. Although we're facing a new phase of unemployment rates, there are still things that you can do to make MORE time, or be more productive with your time. Here's some points I took from an article I read on the bus to work this morning that may really help you out if you're feeling STUCK, or STRESSED from your job.

- Cut the Commercials (if you're lucky enough to have a Tivo you can record your favorite shows and skip the fat of commercials, therefore giving you some extra time to do whatever you need to do).

- Shop with Serenity (if you grocery shop during prime TV times, the stores seem to have MUCH less folks to deal with and stand behind in lines out the door etc.)

- Adjust your Hours (come to work an hour early to get everything that you need to handle in order instead of just feeling like there's 8 things at once waiting for you when you walk through the door; this will probably help your sanity as well and even help you get home earlier since you'll probably be done with all your assignments).
- Stop Aiming for Perfection (just aim for GOOD ENOUGH and give yourself a break)
- Make the things you WAIT for WORTH IT (while waiting anywhere, in traffic, on hold etc. try doing other tasks or make a TO-DO list so you don't feel totally overwhelmed with a list of things you need to get done while "wasting time" WAITING...we all do it, now be productive with it!)
FOODS THAT GIVE FEMALES (AND MALES) ENERGY!!!! No seriously, stop acting like you're too good to be doing this for yourself!
-blueberries (loaded with energy boosting carbs)
-Yogurt (although I'm not a fan of this texture, I even have to stick it up just to make sure that I'm getting the right amount of EVERYTHING in my life, it's harder as a female to be honest though)
-ALMONDS (get that ZINC in your humans need it more than you realize)
- Sweet Potatoes (low in fat and high in FIBER & ANTIOXIDANTS...which is what we ALL need)
-SALMON (low in cals and saturated fat, plus it'll make you smarter than your co-workers ;-)
- Collard greens (super dense in vitamins and minerals...stop making excuses, we don't have our moms here cooking for us anymore, take better care of yourself now for cheaper too!)
-BLACK BEANS (although they do at times make you more gassy, they're packed with energyboosting iron)
Eat this: DARK CHOCOLATE (not Milk Chocolate, only DARK, it's better for you and has chemicals that trigger certain things that are Tony the Tiger grrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeat!)
STORY!!!! :-)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

All These Dances Look The Same

So I've come to this new profound realization about dancing in 2000. It's this, in the past 9 years hip hop has come up with some of the dumbest dances I've seen in a long time. You know what the WORST part is? They're pretty much the same dance just called something different and done at different speeds according to the tempo of the song itself. Don't believe me? Check these out:

Row the Boat This goes with that for all dance moves ELEPHANT MAN



Monday, March 16, 2009

good band to check out

It's sort of a slow morning, so I thought I'd share with you the great sound of music and give you a heads up with a good band to check out.

Bands Name: Company of Thieves

Album Name: Ordinary Riches

I can't figure out who they remind me of, but they're good, so you will benefit from takin' a listen to their stuff.

ROCK ON WIT CHA BAD SELF & happy MONDAY to those of you not dealing with Irish style wet soggy weather out there!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hey remember the 90's ???

How come all of the music videos from the 90's look like they were all shot on the same set with this one yellow tinted light? They also all had modern jazz dancers with rolled up ripped jeans and tucked in T-shirts.......really!???? hahaha...THEN..almost over night everything turned into bouncy steps and LOTS of Silver and Metalic bright colors....oh the 90's

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Montel gets down with radio

Montel Williams....remember him and his talk show that started up in 91? Yeah it's been that long since he started and of course you do, because you probably watched it after school when it was still on and going strong. It was neck & neck with Maury's and his "you are NOT the father" style programming. Well ladies and gents, you can now sit back and relax because he's coming to Air America to help you with your problems. Yup that's right, starting April 6th you will be able to find his voice on airwaves for three hours because he just signed a multi-year deal with Air America. So now you can sit back, listen to Montel comfort other messed up woman and men across the US of A without even picking up the remote.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Britney has a potty mouth....

During Britney Spears show in Tampa, she thought her mic was wasn't...everyone in the crowd heard her loud and clear...and it went a little something like this,

"my pu**y is hanging out"

Well Britney, that's what happens after you have kids and several bad decisions in the's just the way mother nature works home-girl....time to sew it up b****; You're triff for saying that mess at your show too. HANDS DOWN the most classless MFer on earth goes to this girl.

Friday, March 6, 2009

No Mo' Cap'N Crunch......

One of my favorite folks on earth just sent this to me...I HAD to share this, it's unreal. I really question what happens in the mid-west, or extremely rural areas in the USA. I guess this is my answer, they get a high school style set designer to make them a stage with fake plants and all, then they get two folks that look like they've hardly gone out in public to know how hard they are to look at, (I swear that the mans teeth have divorced eachother with how far apart they are from eachother). The woman looks like she lost a bet and HAD to stand there and mumble/sing along with the dude listing every product ever made to eat in the morning. I find it amazing how folks can try to associate GOD with breakfast and talk about how they're going to die one day anyways and join God so why eat breakfast!?!?! REALLY!??!?!?!

I'm also almost CERTAIN that this is the parents of the girl who sang/rapped "It's So Cold In The D"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Pips.............WOW, I feel you Gladys, I really do

After looking at this video for about 1 minute I realized something, not only did EVERYONE wear Polyester during the 70's, but they wore it LOUD and PROUD....they also danced without a care in the world about how they looked.

This song DEF rocks my world, but what makes it even BETTER is the fact that The Pips (her background singers) are wearing Jolly Green Giant outfits / PeterPan-ish well as doing a ballet style two-step. I tell you right now, it does NOT get any better than THIS!


(get to the middle part of this song for the classic dance steps, but you'll DEF want to watch this in full length).

Simply AWESOME if I may say so myself :-)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

some say wet cats look gross, well I say this cat just ALWAYS looks gross

I thought that only people could be ugly...then I remembered that this world is made up with more than just humans lurking in corners...there's also this CAT! Who would have thought that something that looks close to a bad day for Amy Winehouse could be so close to home!?

Not only is the title to the article AMAZING (anything with the word "seriously" in the title, as well as "..." should get a golden star for putting that together); there really isn't any moral to this story at all, just the fact that if you see a random ugly cat, it has potential to make great YouTube footage as well as be a guest on a already down hill talk show. No...really, that's what you'll learn from this.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Holy crap I feel like ripping peoples heads off right now while eating chocolate at the same time.......what am I? That's right, you've guessed it. I am what we call PMSing!!!!!!!!! hurraaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! What does this mean for you? Great question, and here's your quick answer:

This means that I will probably start to watch a chick flick (for the emotional reasons) and start balling for other reasons uncontrolled and unknown. I will then eat more chocolate, or something with LOTS of cheese in it because that's something us ladies go after during "that time of month" and finally specific to me, I will be even MORE blunt, upfront and most likely hurtful towards anything besides myself. So if you have a true question for me that you want a REAL answer is your time to ask me. I also get really witty with my jokes and nasty almost at the same time, so I might make a joke and then take out some baby powder and slap you for laughing too hard, or in an annoying manor, but again....I'm just really unpredictable and I can't promise you anything right now, only to just BE AWARE of what's happening to me. It's sort of like the Incrediable Hulk.

PS - I call my Period, P may now steal my term because I know you thought it was a creative CODE word for when a girl is ON IT. take that take that take that...bad boy bad boy, haha ;-)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Not even surprised with the new knowledge of how abusive relationships go...

So I'm SURE that you've heard the news about Rihanna and Chris Brown from PEOPLE magazine about how they're "back together" Everyone has been talking about it on EVERY morning show on the radio that covers this type of news. But lets go over the signs of when you're in an abusive relationship....

1) You go back to the abuser after they apoligize because they've said "they're sorry" and they don't want to "hurt you" and they "didn't mean to" and they REALLY want you to give them "another chance again" [WHEN IS ENOUGH EVER ENOUGH!????]

2) you make excuses for the abusers actions [any type of excuse that is EXCUSING the abuser of ANY wrong doing]

3) super low self esteem also REALLY comes into play with staying in these types of relationships.

Seriously if you can relate to ANY of this stuff....please know that IT IS NOT OKAY, NORMAL or acceptable and you SHOULD GET OUT. No female EVER EVER EVER deserves to be treated that way. I know that it's easier said than done, but if you saw this growing up and thought that this is normal just because you saw it on the regular IT IS NOT. So don't get involved with someone that does that to you EVER. Also if you are in a relationship like that and you believe that because your abuser says "they'll change because they love you so much and want to" know that THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE, they will DIE THIS WAY AND PROBABLY TRY TO KILL YOU IN THE PROCESS. Don't let THEIR issues become yours. I don't care HOW many times they've said they love you,...that's called CONDITIONING....they keep saying that sh** so that you think that they're still caring about you because they're USING A WORD that is also BEING ABUSED. Now YOU and that "word" have become ABUSED TOGETHER which will only equal you into more UNHAPPINESS and the worst "relationship" one could wish for. There ARE helplines...there are other females that go through this on the regular and please, if you've been TRAPPED into a relationship because you and the abuser now have a KID together because he said that he loved you and wanted to make sure that you wouldn't go ANYWHERE....please know that THAT is also FULL ON ABUSE and is NOT OKAY.

I hope this helped someone that hasn't seen the light and I shall now send this to Rihanna in hopes that your cute TOO GOOD for an abuser ass will stay the F AWAY from that light skinned BAMMA Chris Brown.....

once a hater, ALWAYS a hater.

I'm out!!!!