So I'm SURE that you've heard the news about Rihanna and Chris Brown from PEOPLE magazine about how they're "back together" Everyone has been talking about it on EVERY morning show on the radio that covers this type of news. But lets go over the signs of when you're in an abusive relationship....
1) You go back to the abuser after they apoligize because they've said "they're sorry" and they don't want to "hurt you" and they "didn't mean to" and they REALLY want you to give them "another chance again" [WHEN IS ENOUGH EVER ENOUGH!????]
2) you make excuses for the abusers actions [any type of excuse that is EXCUSING the abuser of ANY wrong doing]
3) super low self esteem also REALLY comes into play with staying in these types of relationships.
Seriously if you can relate to ANY of this stuff....please know that IT IS NOT OKAY, NORMAL or acceptable and you SHOULD GET OUT. No female EVER EVER EVER deserves to be treated that way. I know that it's easier said than done, but if you saw this growing up and thought that this is normal just because you saw it on the regular IT IS NOT. So don't get involved with someone that does that to you EVER. Also if you are in a relationship like that and you believe that because your abuser says "they'll change because they love you so much and want to" know that THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE, they will DIE THIS WAY AND PROBABLY TRY TO KILL YOU IN THE PROCESS. Don't let THEIR issues become yours. I don't care HOW many times they've said they love you,...that's called CONDITIONING....they keep saying that sh** so that you think that they're still caring about you because they're USING A WORD that is also BEING ABUSED. Now YOU and that "word" have become ABUSED TOGETHER which will only equal you into more UNHAPPINESS and the worst "relationship" one could wish for. There ARE helplines...there are other females that go through this on the regular and please, if you've been TRAPPED into a relationship because you and the abuser now have a KID together because he said that he loved you and wanted to make sure that you wouldn't go ANYWHERE....please know that THAT is also FULL ON ABUSE and is NOT OKAY.
I hope this helped someone that hasn't seen the light and I shall now send this to Rihanna in hopes that your cute TOO GOOD for an abuser ass will stay the F AWAY from that light skinned BAMMA Chris Brown.....
once a hater, ALWAYS a hater.
I'm out!!!!
Dont forget that there is also such thing as VERBAL abuse. As depicted in your picture and MENTAL/EMOTIONAL abuse as well that can be JUST as damaging and physically exhausting.
People tend not to think of non-physical abuse as abuse and will stay in or go back to a relationship where they are not being treated with the kind of respect and treatment that they deserve and in my eyes this is JUST AS bad. And remember females are not AlWAYS the only victims of abuse...thats just too 'Lifetime for Women' for me to accept, so boys... dump yo crazy chick before she pulls a Lorana Bobbit on your ass.
Totally agree with the previous comment, took the words right out of my mouth. There are plenty types of abuse that dont leave scars and that is no reason for a woman to put up with it anymore than they should a good old fashion ass beating. Take point #1 and apply that to all types of abuse including cheating, lying, insulting, or anything else assholes do to other people because they have their own mental issues.
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