A wonderful woman sent this clip to me today and I MUST get everyones opinion on this one. How did a little kid steal the attention of someone that was dancing on STILTS? Also, I'm mad that this kid grabs his crotch like he knows what to do with it, when really...he's at the age where he's just learning how to tie his own shoe laces by himself...I mean really parents? Really???
I can't say that I'm NOT entertained by this clip...but good lord, really?
Watch it for yourself & make your own judgement...you know you wanna ;-)
I think he had to pee :)
Wowsers. While the kid is adorable, his crotch grab is a little too intense and the stilts guy is REALLY creepy. I just don't know what to think here.
loves it! mj lives inside all of us... did anyone notice the older kid (maybe a big brother)? he was just staring in utter disdain at the attention the mini MJ was receiving. i think somebody is a little jealous of his crotch grabbing kid brother. i smell a complex coming on...
I wanna!!!! But I'm at work and can't watch :( gonna have to save this little goodie for after hours!
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