So she was performing with Insane Clown Posse....she got on stage with 4 body guards or people just waiting to block her from getting hit in the face with a water bottles, beer bottles etc......lets be honest, her "music" or whatever that was playing in this clip is pure GARBAGE....the audience was just trying to prove a point, sex might sell, but "talent" is either there or not, in her case "NOT".....so can I blame people for wanting her to get off the stage when they came to see Insane Clown Posse instead? Nope, not at all, I'd do the same thing they did if I could aim....but I can't. Point is talent doesn't come out of everyone, and also....if you're following a group called INSANE CLOWN POSSE, wouldn't you think that any "reality TV" star would just ask for it by showing up there?....common sense isn't in all of us...sorry for you Tila.
When you watch this, its kinda like a game that you'd play at a fair where you're trying to hit the target but things keep blocking your way...ya know?
I am no fan of Tila Tequila, or her music, I can tell you that first off. But if you really think it's appropriate or in any way justified to have bottles thrown at her, leaving her bloodied, then you are a sadistic and twisted person. Even if you don't think you are.
I was probably one of the five or six people following your blog, I don't even remember why. Well you are now unsubscribed from my Google Reader. I hope you never get treated the way she was treated that day; no one should have to experience that. Not even sadistic pieces of crap like you.
Sorry I offended you and sorry you're no longer a fan. Can't take my words back, especially when I still feel like she shouldn't have been there in the first place & what happened just proved that point. But that's just me....and many other people too. Freedom of speech anonymous,...it doesn't mean I threw bottles at her so...point? There's a lot of other sad things happening around the world that I don't justify, like stoning a woman in another country for having an inch of freedom, you know REAL things like that. Tila is not one of those things that has an impact on my personal life, and yes I hope that nobody throws bottles at me, but I don't expect anyone do so because I'm not going to an Insane Clown Posse show ever in life pretending that I'm a rapper like she did. Take it light "anonymous"
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