Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Things I've learned this week (already)...

Kanye West can't be shocked about Walmart not liking the cover of his new album...but I have to admit, I was laughing REAL HARD when I saw the cover of it...how can you not?


Also, in other news NeNe (From Bravo's Real Housewives of ATL), she finally got the message to wear a bra & cover up in the right ways!!!! Thank GOODNESS too! Woah gravity would not let go of her goodies in those one-on-one interviews she'd do for the camera (SEE HERE). Love me some NeNe, but love her even more for choosing to wear the bra :-) Thanks mama!!!!

Other news, Paris Hilton is still trying to pretend that she's ok with all of this community service hours that she has to commit to for getting caught with white china (she does have the best lawyer known to man-kind though) because if she wasn't some spoiled annorexic rich girl, she'd be locked up for life,...carrying around some coke like the big dumb criminal that she is....womp womp. Will she ever learn her lesson? NOPE...not when she's got money the way she does. Her mentality clearly skims the average mindset, cause she's a true idiot.

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