I'm sorry about the delay, but there's just been soooooooooo much going on that's been cracking me up that I somehow didn't get a chance to write about the first episode of season 2 "Real Housewivse of Atlanta"..........how could I miss an opportunity like that you might ask yourself? Well, here's the deal if you didn't catch it and missed out on last seasons DRAMA.
There are only a few folks that truly matter on this show, there isn't a single female on that show that I personally can look up to, maybe Ne-Ne because she's always telling the truth, but she's EXTREMELY LOUD about it, which knocks her down on the "class" level in my eyes. But the GOOD NEWS is that she now wears bra's!!! Again, if you missed out on the 1st season, then you wouldn't understand how crucial this aspect of the show WAS for me, as well as MANY others. I guess enough folks wrote about her, for her to realize that her big a** needed them. The only other person on there that is worth a damn and is any good is Lisa...I'm not sure that bringing another member of the former R&B group EXCAPE is really going to pull in more ratings (Kandi is the replacement for DeShawn and according to what I've read and heard, she slept with Jermaine D. which split up the group back in the 90's and she's been sleeping her way to the top ever since within the music industry....not sure if ALL of that is true, but she did confess to messing with JD on a popular NY radio show a few years back so maybe that is how she rolls, we'll see). I think I liked it more, when I didn't know who was who, seems like folks from the 90's music scene who fell off are calling for desperate measures by jumping on the reality TV train in my opinion. Adding another woman with more issues than one person should handle isn't the BEST idea (the guy she's getting married to has 6 kids already, she only has 1 from a previous relationship..who's the daddy? I have no clue and don't really care, unless it's JD's LOVE child, that would be something wouldn't it???)....but damn, it sure is entertaining.
So in a nut shell, everyone on that show has issues (as usual), but this season is going to be SOOOOOOOOOO much more than anyone should realistically deal with in life, that I'm SUPER F-ing happy! It makes me feel extremely content with the things I have in my life. Nothing can touch that, some people are just DRAWN to drama......insert ALL female cast members from this season...HERE.
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