Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lil Mama really 45 years old????

She is definitely in her 30's, I do NOT CARE what people say, she is ROUGH to look at and I get a kick outta her one hair style which is basically "slick down your hair and stick in a fake ponytail here...she mostly likes to stick it through a hole at the top of a Yankee's cap.....yeah.....AWFUL.

Show me her birth certificate!!! Somebody please, for the love of GOD let me know her TRUE REAL age because it is NOT 17 years old like the marketing team would like for us to believe....she kinda reminds me of Keyshia Cole's mom who has that show on BET with her other daughter...WHOLE other blog for that mess.

Either she's been through something in life that no one has seen in order to look as old as she is, OR she truly IS well into her 30's. I'm leaning towards that. Who is with me????

Just look at the collection of pictures and tell me I'm wrong....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nelly Furtado has my ears smiling AGAIN!

I don't usually put on the spot folks that I 100% support on this blog, usually because folks that read this blog are not really trying to hear my personal taste and opinion with things in life unless it's funny or putting something, or someone on BLAST...but I must change that with today's blog.

I just got Nelly Furtado's new CD that's in Spanish titled, "Mi Plan" and I must say that I'm even more in love with her than I was before. I'm sooooo tired of hearing things in English because it just sounds like the same ol' tired POP songs, but in Spanish everything changes completely (unless you speak Spanish because then it takes the secrets out of the language)....yes this how my mind works. So if you're stuck in the rain over the weekend (like I am right now) and want something that's going to blow your F-ing mind, then you should really go pick up your own copy of Nelly's new CD because it's definitely worth the time and hard earned recession cash that you have in your pockets.

That is your weekend assignment and........YOU'RE WELCOME!

Take it light

~ Semra ~

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jean machine must be stopped America

Why do people wear jean colored tops with jean colored pants?????? When did that become the American Dream? I'm highly offended when I see it, it's like when a bird gets hit with a baseball bat....that's EXTREME, but you get the point.

It's also similar to when folks wore all leather outfits, like comedians from the 80's and early 90's (Martin L. & Eddie M. to be exact). They looked like a giant leather oven mit on stage sweating like they were a fat guy running from the police. I think that for Halloween someone should dress up like that and when someone asks them what they are their response will be, "I'm re-god-damn-diculous that's what I am"

Tomorrow's FRIDAY!!! THANK G-O-D!

Take it light :-)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye, I'm not buying it homie...

Kanye West apologized for what he did to Taylor Swift the night before at the VMA's, but here's the tricky part....NOBODY is buying it. Kanye West had a chance to go on the new Jay Leno Show last night to make his "public" apology, but in all honesty he owes TAYLOR SWIFT the apology, not us. Seriously, that's the only thing anyone that has a fault and needs to own up to it should do, go to the source. Isn't this BASIC apology method??? This makes it seem even WORSE to me in all honesty because he's still looking like she's SHOWING OFF, like he has something to prove to us. Kanye, take your seat homie, we don't need to hear it, the SOURCE that you owe does, and we have yet to know that it's taken place.

Want to watch his apology? Here's the clip: JAY LENO SHOW

Here's the thing, Kanye's been through some pure SH**, I know this, we've all heard and seen it. And right now we're seeing him STILL go through it (clearly he hasn't come to terms with the death of his mom and that's his own thing he's got to go through), but here's the part that needs to be addressed in my eyes, he needs to THINK BEFORE HE SPEAKS AT ALL TIMES. He doesn't have that part of the brain when you make decisions and know the actions of what you've done or said. It's something we all learn around the age of 5......................................let that sink learn this at AGE 5.......................................he still hasn't gotten that part down yet.

RIP Patrick Swayze.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West trying to steal ODB's thunder???

If you missed out on the VMA's last night, then you truly missed out. Not only was it filled with DC's very own Wale filling in performances during the commercial breaks for all of the audience there (They played the UCB song, "SEXY LADY"...I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT!), but there was some SUPER unscripted parts of the show and if you haven't heard about what happened already, then here's your first taste of what went down.

Kanye West was being "KANYE WEST," remember the "Bush does not care about black people" during the fundraiser for the Katrina victims? And his other rants and raves that really NOBODY truly cares about except for the ones that want to be like him, (not a good thing either, he's a HORRIBLE role model, he's a beat maker, that's his only skill and he does that well, he should just stick to that, I honestly don't CARE about his opinions or any other celebrity's opinions for that matter). So when Taylor Swift won the first award of the night, for Best New Music Video over Katy Perry, Beyonce and Lady Gaga, Kanye West took it upon himself to go up on stage, take the mic from Taylor Swift as she's doing her thank you's and put Beyonce on the spot (who was just as shocked as the rest of us were) by saying, "Beyonce's video was the best video this year"....................ummmmmmmmm "Dear Kanye West, SHUT THE F*** UP, NOBODY GIVES A SH** ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK. SIT YOUR A** BACK DOWN LIKE THE REST OF THE AUDIENCE AND FOR ONCE TRY NOT TO BE THE CONSEEDED IGNORANT DUDE THAT YOU COME OFF TO BE TO THE REST OF US ON THE REGULAR" I can't WAIT to see what everyone else says. Do you remember when ODB did that at the Grammy's in the 90's???? Oh man....if you missed out on, "Wu Tang is for the children," here you go ODB's interuption.

You know the phrase, "I can't take you nowhere!" well this comes from the root of ODB and Kanye.....*shaking my head* Here's when Kanye said, "Beyonce's video was one of the best of ALL time" REALLY KANYE!?!?!?!???? So MJ meant nothing? SHUT THE F*** UP!!! So done with that kid. I've been done with him since "The College Graduate" (or whatever his album was before Love Lockdown was). Haven't felt him at all since. POOR TAYLOR watch this

Beyonce was nice enough when she got her award to bring Taylor Swift back up on stage to let her finish up on her thank you's for her VMA award. So Beyonce, thanks! You just got 2 points back with me liking you.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

one word...WALMART

Well folks, they've done it. I'm finally complete with my life...or close enough to it. One of my best budlights in life sent me this amazing site that I KNOW you will ALL find amusing if not down right inspiring. Since I'm not a fan of Walmart (because of EVERYTHING it stands for) and since I don't shop there either because I don't live in the middle of nowhere (where most of these stores are positioned), I found this site both inspiring & truthful of the "American Dream" Breathe it in, it always goes down smooth:


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tis the season of giving when needed...

You know through all these rough times for everyone that's been effected by the recession etc. it's good to know that those that sometimes FLAUNT their $$$$ way too hard, can turn around and give something BACK to the people. Rapper Ludacris has clearly shown us his own Robin Hood ways by giving away 20 cars this past Sunday to people who wrote about their struggles to keep their jobs for lack of wheels of their own. The rapper partnered with an Atlanta dealership to donate cars to winners of an essay contest. Every person that won a car, also got free gas for 30 days.
I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT LUDA!!!!!! Now if only DC folks could share in the same Metro Fair Friday's!!??? Why not? Don't they owe us for risking riders lives every single day when we board those trains?...exactly.
Since I'm on the topic of giving, why not combine two things that I truly believe makes the world go round...drinking & the environment....that's right, TODAY (if you're in the DC area), you can throw back a cool refreshing drink that's environmentally friendly at this Dupont Lounge. Greendrinks DC will be debuting a green themed cocktail and Current will be offering discounts on various drinks until 9:30pm tonight. The catch for this specific event is that you have to sit through a book talk about the "D.C. Metro Area Green Careers & Jobs Guide" but lets be that such a BAD thing to sit through? My own personal responses is NOPE, sure isn't! Most of you are probably in need of a job anyways, so why not knock this event out of the way GREEN style ;-)
[Current Lounge 1215 Connecticute Ave. NW DC 6:30pm-9:30pm, free;]

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Still in love after all these years....

Through the ups & downs, he's still got my heart ;-) and here he is talking about a specific movie.