Last night I was lucky enough to attend the PACKED sold out show at 930 Club where Andrew Bird performed. Now if you haven't heard of this man (
which I hadn't..until my friend told me that he used to be in the Squirrel Nut Zippers), which I DID remember, then you would have been just as confused as I was. Let me set the scene for you. The crowd was your typical hipster/nerd alert crowd that 930 club usually consists of (
unless it's hip hop night there, when it turns into a SUPER hood)...anyways, there was this kid before Andrew Bird that performed named
Lonely Dear, who is this one kid that plays these amazing songs. Check out the link to his name on here to listen to his stuff.
Now back to me setting the scene. The stage was decked out with 4 of these Victrola's that were painted gold, but were not just props for the stage. I felt like I fell down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. I might have been the ONLY sober person at that concert because it felt like
Andrew Bird was doing some serious drugs to come up with all these sounds which was then created into music right before my very eyes (
as I peered around tall jolly green giant heads in the crowd in the standing room only area). What he does is pretty much creates his music while on stage, and by that I mean, he has these foot pettles that loop whatever sounds and music he creates, so when he's playing the violin, he can play in different octaves and make it sound like a symphony....it was HANDS DOWN
AMAZING!!!! He whistles in this creepy 50's space alien style whistle, plucks on his violin as if it's a stacatto guitar and combines all keys that hit nerves in your ears that make you cry from happiness. I now realize that you don't have to do drugs to listen to his music because it hits those parts in your brain that make you happy or sad immediately. His music is a combo of the following: BECK, RADIOHEAD & DAVE MATTHEWS BAND....I say this because he was just as daring at BECK is and has that almost mono-tone voice when singing; Radiohead because he can get very strange with space type sounds and make music with them (
sorta like Bjork does too); and Dave Matthews Band because when he'd bring out other musicians they'd play the sax and stuff so the venue was full of all instruments and music.
I'm a new fan of his and I hope to spread his incrediable music now with you, check out the actual concert that I was at last night NPR broadcast is live through it's entirety: