So like many of you, times are HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD. So I find it extremely interesting at how my friends still continue to go out and spend money like they're making JUST as much, or more, than they once did while there continue to be huge lay-offs around the globe.
How are ya'll doing this? I just wanted to know because apparently I haven't gotten the word on the HUSH HUSH book that you all flipped to page 8 to learn this bit of information. The BEST part is that this week and next, is Restaurant Week in DC and guess who said she could go out for TWO meals.............this girl, that's who...why did I say that when I didn't actually mean it and can't? This girl...again...that's who. And with WHAT MONEY you may be asking yourself right about now....that's a great question and I'd LOVE to find the answer to that because I am NOT banking. Apparently I will be the only person at a fancy establishment that will be paying with LINT. That's right, that's Semra's Worlds new currency.....use it sparingly, but always remember to actually USE it!
Where the F*** is my suga daddy when I need him most? Apparently he too is feeling the weight of the economy & paying in Semra's Currency......
I am very lucky to have a good job, stable investments, and descent savings. Therefore I actually benefit from the bad economy. I now get to take advantage of rent deals, restaurant specials, store sales, and hope to buy a house while the economy still sucks. So I realize that the cup is empty and dry for a lot of people and I feel for them, but my cup overfloweth.
The economy might suck, but my paycheck still looks the same as always. Not to mention... The sugar daddy.
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