Monday, June 29, 2009

BET Awards 2009

So I watched the ENTIRE show of the 2009 BET Awards last night...and I must say, I WASN'T disapointed. I was impressed, probably because I work in media so I know how flipping almost an entire awards show is BEYOND impossible to accomplish successfully in 3 days, but here's the ingrediants that you would need to pull it off the RIGHT WAY:

1) make Jamie Foxx the host (he's good at improv, singing, comedy, he's on POINT with all your hosting needs and filling in time)

2) make the dedications to MJ subtitle with your own versions of your favorite videos/ styles of him.

3) don't be extra and show humanity...which MOST of the artists there did surprisingly, they showed MUCH respect to the tragic circumstances

So that's my analysis on the BET awards this year. If you didn't know why this was so impressive let me break it down for you. After MJ passed away on Thursday this past week, BET re-did all those that were set to perform, and they all had a MJ theme, or performed one of his songs. But they actually did this successfully! I also must note something that my roommate brought up, which is that we both suspect that Usher / Justin Timberlake etc. were not picked to perform ANY MJ songs because they're straight copy cats of his original style and wouldn't have done this well or tastefully at all. She also said that she believes that MJ's family made specific requests of who should NOT perform (those who never had a relationship with MJ, vs. those that did). What you SHOULDN'T do at the BET Awards, only give Beyonce awards, let Soulja Boy perform what he considers a "song" (it was just a mono-tone consistant noise like a fog horn), don't promote the worst shows to come up this year on your network either (ex: Tiny & Toya)

Oh yeah and Jay-Z killed it with his new song Auto-Tone check it out HERE. Basically he's knocking on all the new "hip hop" artists coming out with what I consider GARBAGE MUSIC because it is, no meaning, just some straight bull sh**. Tired of it, and glad that Jay came out with something new that addresses just that. LETS REVIVE REAL HIP HOP FOLKS!!! I'M MISSING IT LIKE NO OTHER!!! Oh yeah and ALICIA KEYS LOOKED BEYOND BEAUTIFUL, can't say sh** about her other than she's one of THE BEST out there. HANDS DOWN!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

T-BABY goes on American Idol auditions

Finally, someone has managed to make something almost as good as the original video clip for "It's So Cold In The D"

FINALLY the day has come.

Enjoy folks

need more entertainment?

Monday, June 22, 2009

night time Boob seperater....why?.....

Kush: support for women who have large breasts that LEAN to the left!??? Man, it looks like the Olympics stick during the race they do with the it the same thing? Can you light the tip?

WOW.......if you buy one, I will give you a blog column to write about your experience with "the stick" really...somebody has GOT to get this thing to show me how hard or soft it really is. I wonder if it's like those stress sticks that they sell for the office.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

WTF is a Parsnip!!?!?!?!?????


haahahahahhahahahaha....take it OH SO LIGHT!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Taylor Swift....really?......

My girl just sent this to me so I HAD to put it out there because I was in semi-disbelief. Watch this video of Taylor Swift rapping with T-Pain.....yeah this really was put together, for what? I have no clue, she's such a tool. You know, some folks are just naturally funny and then there are those who TRY too hard to be funny and they never will be, she is one of those people. Just stick to what you're good at girl and don't try to branch out into other areas, it's NOT for everyone. Also, lets note as you watch this video of how SMALL and SHORT T-Pain is.......I mean she's literally next to him when she's joking around and playing off of him, but that video angle shot is fooling NOBODY with your shortness T-Pain................NOBODY

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


5 steps to getting a J-O-B:

1) Polish Your Creds- To make your resume shine, qualify your achievements. If you email your CV, mention one of your feats in the subject line. Finally, address a dry spell by listing what you've accomplished during your hiatus.

2) Wear Your Game Face- Exuding confidence in this climate indicates that you can perform well under pressure; to feel more in control during your search, use a spread sheet to keep a record of where you have applied and when you need to follow up.

3) Be Open To Criticism- inviting a little scrutiny during an interview could pay off BIG TIME. Asking questions like, "Do you think I'm lacking any critical experience?" gives you a chance to assuage any reservations.

4) Spin Your Skills- If openings in your field are scarce, think creatively about how your experience might be marketable elsewhere. Your talent for writing grant proposals for nonprofit could translate into penning a hospital newsletter, for example. Star by searching job sites such as using your skills (HTML programming) rather than title (Web Developer).

5) Create Career Karma- Even if you're in dire straits, do a small favor for someone in your circle (introduce a colleage who wants to break into advertising to a cal who owns an ad firm). It will enourage others to repay your generosity with referrals of their own, and you'll strengthen ties with people who will continue to support you down the road.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thirsty? too

Wanna make the BEST MFing drinks EVER!?!?!?!!?!? Trust me, you won't have to tip either ;-)

The Washington Post went to all the top bars in DC and linked up with the best bartenders who make their own version of the SUMMERS BEST Cocktails........

1) The Mylan (makes one cocktail)
- 3/4 ounce agave syrup or nectar
- 1 large slice cantaloupe, peeled and cut into 4 one-inch chunks
- 1 1/2 ounces blanco or silver tequila Ice
- 1 1/2 ounces pils or pilsner-style beer

Want the OG who made it first? Go to Bar Pilar and see Adam Bernbach

2) Thai's the Limit (makes 4 cocktails)
- Ice
- 6 ounces gin, preferably Plymouth
- 4 ounces Domaine de Canton (ginger liqueur)
- 8 ounces coconut mix
- juice of 4-5 limes
- cilantro leaves cut into thin strips
(to make the coconut mix you will need to make the following)
- 27 ounces (2 cans) coconut milk, preferebly Chaokah brand
- 1 stalk lemon grass, pulverized
- 1 ounce ginger root, peeled and grated
- 1 small Thai (bird) chili, stemmed and minced (not seeded)
- 3/4 cup of sugar
Want it without doing all the work? Check out Gina Chersevani at PS 7's
3) L'Enfant Lemonade (makes 4 cocktails)
- 6 ounces applejack, preferably Laird's
- 3 ounces Lillet Blanc
- juice of 3 lemons
- 2 ounces simple syrup
- ice
- 3 ounces sparkling mineral water, (such as Perrier)
- thin slices of lemon, for garnish

Want something to donate towards NOW?

We all have to give in order to receive....that's just the cycle of Karma, and why would you want to F that up!? So why not invest into something worth while and worth GOOD Karma? If you have a few bucks to spare and wanted to share your heart & wealth, here's something that a good friend of mine is working on and is taking donations for (her deadline is in two weeks). Here's what it is:

The Cross National Collaborative on Youth Health & Gender Issues (CUSAG) through the University of Maryland (Cultural Systems Analysis Group). It's a program developed to promote and apply research, training & technical asistance to a specific cause; it's intended to take Baltimore-Washington area high school kids to Jamaica and areas in the caribbean, and advance the knowledge and methods of addressing health problems and risks that young Urban children face on those islands, as well as in the USA. Through this program, students will learn and teach others as well as be exposed to lands that are outside of their norm. The program focuses on two major issues: (1) sexual reproductive health, (2) violence crime, incarceration.

What would your money go towards? It would get the kids that need to see and share and be part of a movement GET THERE, it would give them the materials that they'd need to make this a successful experience for them and most importantly, it would benefit your own mind knowing that you contributed to an educational program that actually will change lives positively. THAT in itself benefits us ALL as a whole.

Here's how you can be part of this and contribute to this program:

- Make a payable check to "University of Maryland College Park Foundation" within the memo write: "CuSAG Student Support Fund"

mail your check to:

University Of Maryland College Park Foundation

4511 Knox Rd. Suite 205

College Park, MD 20740

- click on "make a gift" choose "new gift by credit card" complete the donor information form, reference BSOS and select "CuSAG Student Support Fund" under 'Choose your program'

Want more details and info beyond that? CLICK HERE

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Reduce, Reuse Recycle...

Here are my top 5 facts WHY it's SUPER F-ing important to start changing your way of living by starting to recycle:

1) Recycling creates JOBS. For every 15,000 tons of garbage that is recycled, 9 jobs are created. For every 15,000 tons of garbage that is tossed into a landfill, only 1 job is created.

2) Americans generate 180,000,000 TONS of garbage each year! We generate approximately 4.4 pounds of waste a DAY, per PERSON. It's estimated that 150 million computers will be discarded in the US. These computers will be able to fill a hole that is one acre wide and 3.5 miles DEEP. With the population increasing on a yearly basis, the garbage will also increase. This means clearing land not only for housing but for landfills too. The amount of disposable diapers that are thrown out every year could stretch from the Earth to the moon SEVEN TIMES!

3) Only 1% of the world's water supply is actually drinkable, 97% is salt water found in the ocean and seas, and the remainder is frozen in the polar ice caps. Recycling one ton of PAPER will save 24,000 gallons of WATER.

4) Released CFC's (which contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer which prevents harmful UV rays from giving us skin cancer among other things, produced by aerosol spray cans and air conditioners) can be drastically cut by recycling. If one family recycles all of their waste newspaper, cardboard, glass and metal for a year, 850 pounds of pollutant emissions will be prevented.

5) Recycling one ton of alluminum saves 37 barrels of oil! Recycling one 12 oz. aluminum can saves an amount of energy equal to 6 oz. of gasoline. This could power a fuel-efficiant car for 6 miles!

In a nutshell, making products from recycled materials creates jobs; reduces the need to cut down trees, dig for minerals and drill for oil; makes less pollution; and uses less energy. Lets start making a change people....if you haven't been moved by these facts, I'm not sure WHAT will move you. START RECYCLING NOW!!!