Sunday, June 7, 2009

Reduce, Reuse Recycle...

Here are my top 5 facts WHY it's SUPER F-ing important to start changing your way of living by starting to recycle:

1) Recycling creates JOBS. For every 15,000 tons of garbage that is recycled, 9 jobs are created. For every 15,000 tons of garbage that is tossed into a landfill, only 1 job is created.

2) Americans generate 180,000,000 TONS of garbage each year! We generate approximately 4.4 pounds of waste a DAY, per PERSON. It's estimated that 150 million computers will be discarded in the US. These computers will be able to fill a hole that is one acre wide and 3.5 miles DEEP. With the population increasing on a yearly basis, the garbage will also increase. This means clearing land not only for housing but for landfills too. The amount of disposable diapers that are thrown out every year could stretch from the Earth to the moon SEVEN TIMES!

3) Only 1% of the world's water supply is actually drinkable, 97% is salt water found in the ocean and seas, and the remainder is frozen in the polar ice caps. Recycling one ton of PAPER will save 24,000 gallons of WATER.

4) Released CFC's (which contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer which prevents harmful UV rays from giving us skin cancer among other things, produced by aerosol spray cans and air conditioners) can be drastically cut by recycling. If one family recycles all of their waste newspaper, cardboard, glass and metal for a year, 850 pounds of pollutant emissions will be prevented.

5) Recycling one ton of alluminum saves 37 barrels of oil! Recycling one 12 oz. aluminum can saves an amount of energy equal to 6 oz. of gasoline. This could power a fuel-efficiant car for 6 miles!

In a nutshell, making products from recycled materials creates jobs; reduces the need to cut down trees, dig for minerals and drill for oil; makes less pollution; and uses less energy. Lets start making a change people....if you haven't been moved by these facts, I'm not sure WHAT will move you. START RECYCLING NOW!!!

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