Tuesday, June 16, 2009


5 steps to getting a J-O-B:

1) Polish Your Creds- To make your resume shine, qualify your achievements. If you email your CV, mention one of your feats in the subject line. Finally, address a dry spell by listing what you've accomplished during your hiatus.

2) Wear Your Game Face- Exuding confidence in this climate indicates that you can perform well under pressure; to feel more in control during your search, use a spread sheet to keep a record of where you have applied and when you need to follow up.

3) Be Open To Criticism- inviting a little scrutiny during an interview could pay off BIG TIME. Asking questions like, "Do you think I'm lacking any critical experience?" gives you a chance to assuage any reservations.

4) Spin Your Skills- If openings in your field are scarce, think creatively about how your experience might be marketable elsewhere. Your talent for writing grant proposals for nonprofit could translate into penning a hospital newsletter, for example. Star by searching job sites such as Monster.com using your skills (HTML programming) rather than title (Web Developer).

5) Create Career Karma- Even if you're in dire straits, do a small favor for someone in your circle (introduce a colleage who wants to break into advertising to a cal who owns an ad firm). It will enourage others to repay your generosity with referrals of their own, and you'll strengthen ties with people who will continue to support you down the road.

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