We all have to give in order to receive....that's just the cycle of Karma, and why would you want to F that up!? So why not invest into something worth while and worth GOOD Karma? If you have a few bucks to spare and wanted to share your heart & wealth, here's something that a good friend of mine is working on and is taking donations for (her deadline is in two weeks). Here's what it is:
The Cross National Collaborative on Youth Health & Gender Issues (CUSAG) through the University of Maryland (Cultural Systems Analysis Group). It's a program developed to promote and apply research, training & technical asistance to a specific cause; it's intended to take Baltimore-Washington area high school kids to Jamaica and areas in the caribbean, and advance the knowledge and methods of addressing health problems and risks that young Urban children face on those islands, as well as in the USA. Through this program, students will learn and teach others as well as be exposed to lands that are outside of their norm. The program focuses on two major issues: (1) sexual reproductive health, (2) violence crime, incarceration.
What would your money go towards? It would get the kids that need to see and share and be part of a movement GET THERE, it would give them the materials that they'd need to make this a successful experience for them and most importantly, it would benefit your own mind knowing that you contributed to an educational program that actually will change lives positively. THAT in itself benefits us ALL as a whole.
Here's how you can be part of this and contribute to this program:
- Make a payable check to "University of Maryland College Park Foundation" within the memo write: "CuSAG Student Support Fund"
mail your check to:
University Of Maryland College Park Foundation
4511 Knox Rd. Suite 205
College Park, MD 20740
- click on "make a gift" choose "new gift by credit card" complete the donor information form, reference BSOS and select "CuSAG Student Support Fund" under 'Choose your program'
Want more details and info beyond that? CLICK HERE
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