folks feel obligated to "rep" where they're from like I'm supposed to give them some new found respect...WROOOOOOONG...I think it always sounds corny especially when you're trying OH so very hard....example:
D town
Folks, please stop making these, come up with original ones...D town has been and will continue to struggle...I mean, we've all seen it's so cold in the D. Here's a list of other places that I really don't feel like I need to check out:
Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnasota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dekota, South Dekota, South Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Wisconson
Sorry guys, I'd rather see other countries than states that blend in with the same food chains and landscapes in the US of A.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Vita rocks the stations ear drums in a good way

Pro's of working in get to see the up & coming artists signed to the major labels perform during your lunch break. Vita Chambers was that artist today and she really is a talented little lady :-) She's got a lot of experience for her age in terms of performing (she's only 16 yrs.), but now-a-days lots of kids in pop are around that age as it is. Here's her new video called "Young Money" (dance-able beats). Her debut CD comes out on March 2nd so be on the lookout for it!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
J Lo hosts Lopez Tonight on TBS....

Not forever...but she did for a night because her last name is the same as George Lopez's so the producers thought that it would be a cute creative thing to do. I do have to give it to her with the jokes she pulled out regarding the continued NBC late-night drama between Leno and O'Brian, but lets be honest....everyone is tired of hearing that right now, just as much as everyone is tired of hearing Idol's "Pants on the Ground" song..........when an NFL player starts using it as a joke then it's time to retire the song.
So if you want to see J Lo attempt a bit of stand up hosting jokes...then click HERE. Otherwise enjoy your week!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Craigslist...Personal's section

Well I'm at work today on MLK Day...thanks pointless media day for making me show up when every place else on earth is reflecting and remembering MLK today and NOT AT WORK! I'm just surfing the web trying to kill time until my office time is no longer!!!! Anyways, I digress. I was searching for stuff that I could get for my new apartment online (tables etc.) and realized how much crap Craigslist actually has on there. So (as any normal bored person), I started looking at the "personal" section. What I saw made me laugh/ cry on the inside. Most (if not all of the men) either talk like they're a creepy 60 year old person who still uses the word "lover" or a complete freak that I may fear my life for if I met in person. Do people actually use this to find "the one" people still try to find "the one" anymore in general??? Probably not, they just settle for whatever is closest to them, or whoever is on the same page as them at the time.
This is from some real postings I found:
- a casual conversation over drinks (cocktail or s ome fabulous wine), laughs, and a pleasurable afternoon. (I'm pretty sure this person hasn't seen a V-jay-jay in many moons for him to be writing like he's submitting a script for a soap opera)
- looking for a steady relationship (posts up picture of their abs & no face).
-Just divorced, show me what I missed (wow, there's literally nothing I can add to this one because it's so F-ing sad)
- Hi I'm James this is a first time post . So I am a nice chill guy I like music and wright lyrics and sing soungs in the car ( I know I'm a dork ) I like movies and anime I'll watch anything wonce. I like heavy metal and clasic rock and anything vinal. When it comes to the bed room I am giving lover I love 4 play and alittle kinkiness I always good. (I really hope that this kid takes up english one day to learn how to wright lyrics....and he'll watch anything WONCE....really? You spelled both of those words wrong dude and it was not a slip of a finger because those keys aren't even close to eachother on the keyboard. Please try again later once you're done with school. The picture of this guy clearly shows that he's well into his 30's with that one ladies).
- I am looking for a sexy bbw that has a pretty smile. Must be cute and sexy. That is all I ask for. I have pictures to exchange but I must see yours first. I am : 6'1 185 lightskin Response Title should be Pepsi. (Pepsi???.....really?...why?)
-blue Eastern-European eyes that cry "Who ate my beets?" Not to worry, I hide my accent well except when I've had a few beers - then it's Hello, Alexander Petrovsky. (who ate his beets?.....I don't even want to know what's happening with this dude at all)
- I'm feeling a yearning for someone to enjoy the city with (he's YEARNING ladies....just like the first guy wanted a "pleasurable afternoon")
That's all I can handle for now, you get the point. Check out these available men now, at least will give you an ab work out from laughing at them ya know?
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
You look kinda cute, but what are your pants doing???

I love fashion...I love the originality of most of the outfits I see now-a-days. I love how people are all trying to be different, but end up looking the same as well as looking like followers and then get mad when someone calls them out on it because they just really want to never blend in with the crowd. But what I REALLY deeply love and would NEVER attempt to wear are the MC Hammer looking pants....just after looking at this picture you can see the uncomfortable pain in the models face. $500 bet you she'd never be caught wearing those pants on her average day out...although some stylist that was producing the shot, really felt the need for her to wear what looks like a shirt that she put on her legs instead and just gave up......well it does!
Anyfart, I'm over them trying to bring these MC Hammer pants back and I would really like for the fashion world to GIVE IT UP and TURN IT LOOSE. Those breezy days are over, just like those pants.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Ukraine's Got Talent

Ukrainian sand artist won 2009's TV show (just like we have here in the US), 'Ukraine's Got Talent' and she won it for good reason. Her impressive art in motion piece about Ukraine's involvement of WW2 and the sad destruction & loss of many lives in Ukraine, is truly a moving statement about war and its ability to change a generation (or several) by a world tragedy.
Take a look here: Ukriane's Got Talent
Friday, January 8, 2010
There is a GOD!!!!

Well USA, you've proven me wrong and uplifted me (which is hard to do), what's the secret? MODERN FAMILY on ABC.........have you ever watched it? If you have any respect for what sitcoms USED to be made of (clever, witty remarks, while still holding onto a plot) then you'd know about this show already. I'm not into shows that are an hour long, because it's about 20 minutes worth of straight ads.............boooooooooooooooo............but with half hour programs you get 20 minutes of golden quick wit puns! YES PLEASE!
I've longed for a show that wasn't so over the top (what my favorite show It's Always Sunny in Philly has turned into as of recent seasons unfortunately); but still had humor built in with strong characters that aren't too stereotypical. This show fits them all, all other shows have failed....well Parks & Recreations is a close following...and I have a back & forth relationship with 30 ROCK. But Modern Family has a delicate balance of clever under-toned jokes, mixed with actual meaningful realistic morals, all the while making me addicted as each new episode fills my screen. Thanks ABC, for finally giving me a show that doesn't make me feel like an ass for liking it! Thank you.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
My review on KESHA

I really dig her song called "Tik Tok" since the moment I heard it on the airwaves & I was crackin' up in bed the morning I woke up to it. Felt like I needed to get ready to leave to party somewhere, instead of just getting up and rollin' on over to work...when you hear it you'll completely understand. Haven't heard it, or clueless as to what I'm talking about? Find out what I'm talking about here: CLICK ME!
I've checked out some of her other songs online. One titled, "BLAH BLAH BLAH".....ok, so it reminds me of M.I.A without the clever/ political messages/ tonelessness (kinda hum-singing style where anyone can pick it up as long as it's catchy enough), which seems to be famous and keep the POP $$$$ rollin' in these days. The day of the ONE HIT WONDER's has blasted us again and Kesha is part of that band wagon. To be honest I'm not sure what she's thinking, she's pretty young (21 yrs) and it's hard to have creative control when you're new to the scene especially with the FANG hungry labels that completely turn artists inside out if they're semi-weak from the get. This might be that girl. She's also got this YODILLING (where's my spell check?) style that Shakira does which is really annoying when she's singing. When I saw her I did NOT think that she'd look the way she does. I thought she would be mixed or Hispanic and wore bamboo earings or something....but she looks like any hipster/ Cali style kid that bleaches their hair blonde and gets fed into the entertainment machine in LA LA LAND.
She hasn't proven to me that she has any vocal talent what-so-ever. In an interview with VENUS MAGAZINE she talks about how her style is like the Rolling Stones, old rock...................................................................wrong answer, maybe that IS what she's INTO personally, but that's NOT reflected in her music in any shape or form. Maybe she was just trying to be funny...I can't tell. Now it could be that due to FLO RIDER finding her first and having her cut the club hit 'TIK TOK' she's already being pulled in that direction of HIP POP...but usually that just means that she's going to end up a let it be TIK OK.......wait maybe I should get paid for rhyming the way I just did!!?!?!?!?! CALL ME P MUTHA LUVIN' DIDDY B****ES!!!!!
Californication..where have you been all my life???

Californiacation….what rock have I been sleeping under? My GOD, I love sarcastic honest responses and this show is FULL of them, plus sex addiction, YES PLEASE! It's the ohh to my ahh.
If you haven't had a chance to check out this awesome show, then now is the time people! Netflix that b****!!!! You will love it, want to be part of it, but also be glad that you're life is nothing like that in the slightest bit. It's time that something of quality & genius took over the visual airwaves and let this show be that for you.
Catch up here: CLICK ME
Monday, January 4, 2010
Review on Chris Rock's film "GOOD HAIR"

Growing up where I did, I was fortunate enough to actually know what folks were talking about when it came to perms, flat irons etc. etc. etc. even though I'm basically just white (well if you saw me at least that's all that you'd think of off first impressions). Chris Rock's new film "Good Hair" focuses on the most basic thought that every Dominican/ African/ African American female will hear or think about at some point in her life, which is "do I have good hair?"
Well defining GOOD is like defining BEAUTY; it's completely different per person. One thing that does pop up more than once in this film is something that cuts to the root of every woman, SECURITY. It seemed that the women that believed they were getting, or had "good hair" were the ones that also believed that they were more secure individuals, as opposed to the other females that were trying to mimick the women they saw as beautiful with "good hair." It's unfortunate and cuts deep across the racial line because ALL females feel the magnifying glass being put on them as early as age 3 regarding their physical beauty! That's many boys do you hear running around giving a sh** about how they look, if they smell good etc. etc. etc.? ZERO that's how many, especially not at an early age.
A strong point was made when Chris asks a group of high school girls if the girl with the afro would get a job if she came to an interview sporting her own natural given afro (aka: the natural hair she had)…the girls with the perms believed that she wouldn't get the job. There were 4 out of 5 girls that had perms that were asked this question by Chris Rock. We have a huge racial issue in this country already, icing on the cake is that these specific students in this fine nation of ours believed before they'd had a chance to really conduct professional interviews that they don’t stand a chance if they walk into the office sporting their natural God given hair without ANY products put in it. Hippy response? Perhaps,…the truth? Definitely. I don't want to toot my own horn, but good lord, these girls need to really understand that your hair is like clothes you sport, it's just one way of expressing who you are, it doesn't MAKE you who you are. And if the highering staff can't see beyond the hair, then THEY'RE the ones with the judgement problem and nobody should want to work for a company that doesn't value their employee, just how their hair is, give me a break. It's not like the girl was rolling in looking like she just woke up, her due was HER OWN HAIR and it looked damn good on her too. Remember the old fashioned saying, "never judge a book by its cover" it's time to really act on that folks.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Year in Review of 2009
2009 has been an interesting and sad year for me and my friends. I've seen A LOT of good & bad. So many people have passed this year that has mostly been a total shock for me & others, (part of life I know, but hard when you see it unfold before your eyes). To all of you who have lost someone that was close to you, let me first say that I am truly sorry that you're going through this and that I hope that you have had some closure and time to see the world in a different light and that maybe this will help you grow and take control of parts of you that you had lost before. We always learn something with each thing we loose in life, so it's important to know the lesson in each chapter of your life. As for the not so serious notes parts of 2009 here's my list:
- Snuggies!!!! Yes those corny commercials sold me on getting one for my dad this Christmas. And let me say it is Luxurious Fleece indeed, if there is such a thing as they claim in their infomercial.
- Best movies: The Hangover, Up In The Air, Coco Before Chanel
- Best Albums: Jay-Z, Wale, Lady Gaga, Lilly Allen, Kings of Leon
- Best moments: Kanye West taking away Taylor Swift's award speech at the VMA's, Play It Off Keyboard Cat on,
- My best trips: California (LA & San D to see 2 of my fabu ladies was amazing and made me want to move out there in a flash), Vegas (during a large rodeo, always a plus w/ real cowboys), NYC (where all the magic is and where I will eventually end up).
- Best exhibit: Brian Jungan (Canadian/ Native American artist) at the Native American Museum in DC, the way he used every day objects & furniture was simply amazing. His eye to be able to transform them into art was thinking completely outside of the box and is worth a trip since it will be there through the summer of 2010.
- Best Magazine RIP: Missbehave
- Best new discovered web sites: (restaurant/ museum/ club/ lounge/ event review site), (because we all need to feel better about ourselves).
- Best new lounge in DC: Policy (Tues. nights)
- Best new goal in life: Make your own happiness and learn how to maintain it to the best of your ability no matter what the obstacles.
OK so to be honest, doing a year in review can be pretty tough considering how much I've been sucked into my job and own personal life and haven't been heavily influenced by outside things that many of the rest of the world have seen or been affected by. We got a new president, everyone leaned towards that good old fashioned word, "HOPE." Not to knock on Obama, because I do like the guy, (people really fell for the campaign though, which was strong and the first of it's kind using the technology outlits it used...mainly because of the demographic that was working on the campaign which was a fairly young crowd). But anyone that would have taken over couldn't fix the sh** that George W left from his 8 years in office. With that being said, everyone fell for the same miracle word in "HOPING" that every American issue would be solved within his first year in office, clearly that's not the case and NOBODY would ever have been able to do that, so folks, lets just get over it now and if you can control your own issues and figure out a solution, HELP YOUSELF, stop depending on the government to help solve all of your issues. (sorry for the run on sentence there) Here's a simple thought and might be my Jerry Springer FINAL THOUGHT of the day: With all problems, there is a solution, it may take some time to figure out, but there IS a solution because there are no problems that don't have a solution.
- Snuggies!!!! Yes those corny commercials sold me on getting one for my dad this Christmas. And let me say it is Luxurious Fleece indeed, if there is such a thing as they claim in their infomercial.
- Best movies: The Hangover, Up In The Air, Coco Before Chanel
- Best Albums: Jay-Z, Wale, Lady Gaga, Lilly Allen, Kings of Leon
- Best moments: Kanye West taking away Taylor Swift's award speech at the VMA's, Play It Off Keyboard Cat on,
- My best trips: California (LA & San D to see 2 of my fabu ladies was amazing and made me want to move out there in a flash), Vegas (during a large rodeo, always a plus w/ real cowboys), NYC (where all the magic is and where I will eventually end up).
- Best exhibit: Brian Jungan (Canadian/ Native American artist) at the Native American Museum in DC, the way he used every day objects & furniture was simply amazing. His eye to be able to transform them into art was thinking completely outside of the box and is worth a trip since it will be there through the summer of 2010.
- Best Magazine RIP: Missbehave
- Best new discovered web sites: (restaurant/ museum/ club/ lounge/ event review site), (because we all need to feel better about ourselves).
- Best new lounge in DC: Policy (Tues. nights)
- Best new goal in life: Make your own happiness and learn how to maintain it to the best of your ability no matter what the obstacles.
OK so to be honest, doing a year in review can be pretty tough considering how much I've been sucked into my job and own personal life and haven't been heavily influenced by outside things that many of the rest of the world have seen or been affected by. We got a new president, everyone leaned towards that good old fashioned word, "HOPE." Not to knock on Obama, because I do like the guy, (people really fell for the campaign though, which was strong and the first of it's kind using the technology outlits it used...mainly because of the demographic that was working on the campaign which was a fairly young crowd). But anyone that would have taken over couldn't fix the sh** that George W left from his 8 years in office. With that being said, everyone fell for the same miracle word in "HOPING" that every American issue would be solved within his first year in office, clearly that's not the case and NOBODY would ever have been able to do that, so folks, lets just get over it now and if you can control your own issues and figure out a solution, HELP YOUSELF, stop depending on the government to help solve all of your issues. (sorry for the run on sentence there) Here's a simple thought and might be my Jerry Springer FINAL THOUGHT of the day: With all problems, there is a solution, it may take some time to figure out, but there IS a solution because there are no problems that don't have a solution.
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