Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Music has hit a new low. Instead of making room on the airwaves for actual singers, they've cleared the path for anyone that has a tone-def voice but sings with one of those computer vocal thingys that Akon / Kanye West / Britney Spears / Pussycat dolls / Snoop Dogg/ T-Pain ......the list goes on and on. Do you see the connection with these people? That's right, they're NOT SINGERS although they "pretend" that they are and they're AWFUL when they do try to sing. It's an amazing thing actually because they've somehow been able to step ontop of actual REAL singers and artists and replace our ear drums with CRAP.
Mind bottlin' isn't it???
What lead me to this conclusion? The answer is simple....Akon is in our office right now and I want to throw something at him since he's part of this "movement" of crap music.
Monday, November 24, 2008

If you know me, then you know I'm OBSESSED with No Doubt. My favorite band of ALL TIME, hands down. Which makes a lot of sense with why I am the way I am which is ALL OVER THE PLACE AT ONCE. Well folks, I just got GREAT news that No Doubt is coming together and will be going on tour in 2009 with a new album!!!!!! That's right! You heard it first. I couldn't BE MORE pressed. This also means that I will be going to as MANY shows in 2009 as I possibly can because I can't get enough of No Doubt EVER. TRUST THAT
Wanna learn a bit more about the gossip? NO DOUBT NEWS
Also, onto other news.....time to get that plane ticket to Amsterdam if you haven't already....they're starting to close down the "coffee shops" and by 2011 they will have completely shut down everything unless you have a written doctors note explaining your "condition" I KNOW I KNOW....I was upset as well when hearing about this magical "free" land closing shop :-( Wanna learn more about it? BYE BYE GREEN
Friday, November 21, 2008
Times are hard on everyone....

It's times like this when I sit and wonder.....wonder how do we cut back on un-needed items in our every day lives during this hard ecomonic time.......some of the wealthy have even started to really cut back. Read this article below that tells all, I think you might find it helpful in your life (if you're in this situation as well).
when you're done with that watch this:
Moral: There's nothing more sad than sad men.....nothing
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I've grown up in this city, written poems about it, experienced fantastic times in it, and then some not so fantastic times. Most people that aren't from DC move to the area because of jobs. That's basically it, this is a city of constant transition due to the job market. A huge melting pot for all types of folks from around the world in every profession, but what stands out to me the most is the fact that so many folks don't accept this city for what it has to offer, but instead try and compare it with other surrounding cities or something.
DC has a huge history, it's dumb to say that it doesn't posses "personality" because it does. Its constant changing wave of types of people make it that way. It's not a predictable place, it's a controlled environment due to country landmarks, museums as well as having our nations president down the block, so there's a bit of uptightness, but that's because it's THE MOST THREATENED place in the whole US.
So I always wonder why SO MANY folks claim that they HATE DC. When people get TIRED of any environment, they tend to drift and look for something new, but HATE? What's there to hate? This city might be expensive at times but that's because you're not putting energy into finding a good bargain. You can go through this city and find PLENTY to do without paying a dollar, THAT'S MY WORD.
So for folks to say that people aren't kind here, or personal enough...well this isn't the SOUTH so that southern hospitality will only surface when folks from the south move up here. I like this city because it literally has something for everyone, AND those that complain about it aren't SEEKING to find things to do enough; but TRUST ME, there are places to see and all that jazz. Below are some of my favorite things to do and see in DC:
MORAL: My favorite term to come from DC.... "BAMMA" so many of them and so many ways to use that term. Use it wisely and don't abuse it, or we will take it away from you.
Monday, November 17, 2008
OH YEAH MONDAY!!!???!!!???!!!!

It's Monday...again...therefore I'm just going to not waste much time and get straight to my point of the day: BE YOU
(just like this guy above.....he's taking it REAL LIGHT...oh yeeeeeeaaaaaah)
Was that simple enough for you to follow? Well IS IT? Jeeezzzz you're pretty bad at answering questions right away aren't you...oh well....oh yeah???!!!??....so maybe I ENJOY typing to myself on this "BLOG" of mine....you gotta problem with that???!!!!???.....you do?......ok ok my bad, I'll stop.
Enjoy these twigs and berries:
-Beyonce & Justin Timberlake on SNL (f**king hilarious)
-BEST EMAIL EVER WRITTEN IN LIFE (I will print this and make it a part of my life)
Morel: Keep on keepin' it real!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ways to Improve your life for 2009

We're getting to the end of another year. Hopefully it will continue to end in YOUR FAVOR instead of going all wack and out of control, but I can't promise you a thing. I've noticed around this time of year magazines have the EXACT same themes every single time; they consist of the following:
- holiday foods to prepare this season (it's always pretty much the same thing with maybe ONE new twist)
- New BODY (work out plans)
- New exercise equipment that's created (info-mercials up the waaazzoooo on TV)
- New relationship advice (how to plan for that special someone for the upcoming Hallmark made-up "holiday" AKA: Valentines Day).
NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW.....they always put the word "new" in front of something "old" because they know that there's only so much NEW stuff they can come up with for that next year. Don't deny it either because you know it's true. The goal for everyone I ever encounter in life about the NEW upcoming year is this: SELF IMPROVEMENT
Whatever level of improvement you're looking for, there will be something to help you go into that direction. But folks lets be honest with eachother. You've read my blog long enough now to understand where I might be going with this, almost 100% of the time (unless you're literally dealing with a life/death situation), you will not change as much as you HOPE, because in the end you're always going to be stuck with yourself and not too many people like dramatic changes in their lifestyle (unless it's SUPER NEGATIVE)....or if you're in jail etc. Since there's not too much you can do while you're in there anyways.
So when you're thinking about picking up that magazine that's about to tell you the "SECRET" to a happy new you this new year....put it back on the stand and know that without it, you will really FACE your own reality of what CHANGE you want and need in your life and save $5 too!
Moral: not all lessons are learned through large magazine companies, change yourself on your own first.
Monday, November 10, 2008
New pet PEAVE of the week

So I don't know about you, but I'm not a BIG "texter"; in fact, I can't be because I have THE most ridiculous old school cell phone on the planet therefore I dislike texting. Not only is it one of the most LAZIEST things I've ever heard of, but it's also SUPER impersonal. I understand if you're at a club or some LOUD venue, or you're not supposed to be on your phone....but again, that seems kinda pressed too. What did we do before cell phones? I have an answer for you, we f**king did everything we normally do now without being BOTHERED or worried that we missed a call! PLAN AHEAD PEOPLE, then you won't need to use your cell phone every 2 minutes.
Now I'm just like you, I don't want to be bothered all the time, or checking my phone for missed calls all day long like SOME people I know. Although my cell phone is sitting in my purse pretty much all day, I'm not dependent on it (except for time because I don't have a watch).....ramblin' I know I know, I'll get to my point. Anyways, I got a text the other day to call a number to get a voicemail........................................................are you f**king kidding me? Now I have to get charged for a TEXT and then call some random number to recieve a VOICEMAIL.....news to the person that did this to me: PLEASE CALL MY CELL PHONE AND LEAVE A F**KING MESSAGE LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD DOES.
What's even cuter about this whole "situation" is that when I called the number to listen to the message...I have to go ONLINE to register my cell phones number in order to even LISTEN to the message!
New message to the person that sent me this stupid text and voicemail, I'm not returning your calls...EVER.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Best Relationship Advice EVER!!!!

So, as I'm sitting here trying to figure out the concept of life and how having a stable relationship happens, my girl Michele wrote me one of the most AWESOME-EST (new word), things a friend could ever write from one friend to another when contemplating how one should be recognized and treated in a relationship:
"Any guy that had a chance with you should be saying to himself, this girl is so funny she makes me pee my pants a little on a regular basis, so smart that its embarrassing to get into intelligent conversations with her, and so hot that she could def do better than me. I really need to do whatever is humanely possible to make sure I dont screw this up because I am the luckiest man on earth. If he doesnt realize that, if he doesnt appreciate you, if he doesnt spoil you to death and make you feel like the queen of everything, then he is a f***ing moron and lets be honest we dont put up with stupid people."
She kicks MAJOR ass people.
"Any guy that had a chance with you should be saying to himself, this girl is so funny she makes me pee my pants a little on a regular basis, so smart that its embarrassing to get into intelligent conversations with her, and so hot that she could def do better than me. I really need to do whatever is humanely possible to make sure I dont screw this up because I am the luckiest man on earth. If he doesnt realize that, if he doesnt appreciate you, if he doesnt spoil you to death and make you feel like the queen of everything, then he is a f***ing moron and lets be honest we dont put up with stupid people."
She kicks MAJOR ass people.
Moral: There are such things as REAL people...Michele is one of them, you're lucky if you know her personally, I know I AM!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Ninja TAKE OVER!!!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I can't joke today...not with what happened last night. Last night was truly a monumental night on so many different levels. I've never seen two speeches that made me appreciate Obama and McCain at the same time but it happened for me. Both were respectful with no low blows, nothing that upset me, if anything it lifted me.
Just knowing that our country will be under a much stronger power that brings promise and change to foreign relations as well as MANY other events that will happen to the American people positively, I must say I am now PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN. I know it does sound cliche when everyone mentions "CHANGE" in every other sentence when talking about the future, but if you really sit back and think about it that is the only way to describe what lays ahead in the path for this country. When people get tired, they change whatever it is that is making them feel drained....this came at a key moment when MANY had given up on their own.
This is good people,...I got goosebumps watching everyone celebrate downtown in DC, as well as NYC....Chicago....EVERYWHERE man. It feels SO good. I hope you all feel as good about this as I do. It's time to celebrate and embrace all the events that comes this way for America.
Peace & Love,
~ Semra ~
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Some like it HOT...others...not so much...

Halloween was YAwesome! I encourage everyone of every age and type to slap on a costume during this extremely unpredictable time. Yes I'm somehow trying to merge both Halloween and the elections into one topic and am strugglin' right before your very eyes.
Sarah Palin was a HIT on the streets, and everyone that dressed up like her did the same thing, SLUT IT UP. I swear, not one of these "females" seemed to even bother with anything except to figure out how to slut it up.
girl: "i'm gonna be a toothbrush this year for Halloween....what should I wear?"
friend: "ummm....just wear a towel and say that you 'just got out of the shower', but make sure you don't actually wear ANY clothes underneath the towel"
girl: "that's SUCH a good idea....gosh you're so creative!"
I'm still not sure about how or why Halloween got to be so slutty but it has, but then again there are LOTS of other things I still can't figure out in life. Like dirty south rap, or country music.....just not sure why they are around. ANYWAYZZZZZZ
I was JEM for Halloween this year and then the following night I was GIRLS GONE WILD.....which are the two lovely pics you see above.
~ Semra ~
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