So I don't know about you, but I'm not a BIG "texter"; in fact, I can't be because I have THE most ridiculous old school cell phone on the planet therefore I dislike texting. Not only is it one of the most LAZIEST things I've ever heard of, but it's also SUPER impersonal. I understand if you're at a club or some LOUD venue, or you're not supposed to be on your phone....but again, that seems kinda pressed too. What did we do before cell phones? I have an answer for you, we f**king did everything we normally do now without being BOTHERED or worried that we missed a call! PLAN AHEAD PEOPLE, then you won't need to use your cell phone every 2 minutes.
Now I'm just like you, I don't want to be bothered all the time, or checking my phone for missed calls all day long like SOME people I know. Although my cell phone is sitting in my purse pretty much all day, I'm not dependent on it (except for time because I don't have a watch).....ramblin' I know I know, I'll get to my point. Anyways, I got a text the other day to call a number to get a voicemail........................................................are you f**king kidding me? Now I have to get charged for a TEXT and then call some random number to recieve a VOICEMAIL.....news to the person that did this to me: PLEASE CALL MY CELL PHONE AND LEAVE A F**KING MESSAGE LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD DOES.
What's even cuter about this whole "situation" is that when I called the number to listen to the message...I have to go ONLINE to register my cell phones number in order to even LISTEN to the message!
New message to the person that sent me this stupid text and voicemail, I'm not returning your calls...EVER.
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