Music has hit a new low. Instead of making room on the airwaves for actual singers, they've cleared the path for anyone that has a tone-def voice but sings with one of those computer vocal thingys that Akon / Kanye West / Britney Spears / Pussycat dolls / Snoop Dogg/ T-Pain ......the list goes on and on. Do you see the connection with these people? That's right, they're NOT SINGERS although they "pretend" that they are and they're AWFUL when they do try to sing. It's an amazing thing actually because they've somehow been able to step ontop of actual REAL singers and artists and replace our ear drums with CRAP.
Mind bottlin' isn't it???
What lead me to this conclusion? The answer is simple....Akon is in our office right now and I want to throw something at him since he's part of this "movement" of crap music.
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