So as the days are less and less until the elections I came across this and realized why we're in the situation that we're a gander will you??
Happy Halloween!!!!! Pictures of my costumes will be posted...don't you worry your pretty little head!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008

Well today is my LAST day at my "job" because I'm going to be working for a much better established company that all folks will know the name of because more than half of you listen to the stations on the radio in every single state already and don't know it...or you do. Anyfart, that's not why I'm excited. I'm excited because I've officially made today the WRAP UP YOU TUBE WEEK!!! What the F*** does that mean Semra? That's what you might be asking out loud to the computer at this very moment....thanks for asking, and here's your answer: It's when I post YouTube videos that you may have somehow missed, but all will be solved in a few short clicks on the links below. Lets begin, shall we?
Enjoy your weekend and keep it TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!
Moral: There is such a thing as GOOD FRIDAY and it has nothing to do with religion
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Dan Aykroyd...creates one of the 8th wonders of the world

That's right ladies & gents, SNL's very own former cast member Dan Aykroyd has now put all of his time and energy into something most of us have only DREAMED about....he has discovered and created Vodka that's bottled up in a crystal jar (if you will) that's molded from an actual human skull! WHO DOESN'T DREAM OF THIS DAY COMING?
He has by far discovered one of the 8th Wonders Of The WORLD! Who would have thought that a crystal skull would get you so wasted off of delicious Vodka????
Now either I have an enormous drinking problem OR I'm easily amused....TRUE & TRUE! check it out yourself
and when you're done watching that and want another strange distraction check out this guy that beatboxes to the Inspector Gadget theme song!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
BIG MOUTH IN LONDON..Lily Allen news

Lily Allen is finally about to break out with a new album. This one will help me get through other tough times in life. I've always loved Lily Allen for two reasons:
#1 she was found on MySpace and became somebody from that, not too many others have
#2 she's British and everything always sounds better when you have a thick English accent that not too many others can understand, it makes you "exotic"
If you believed number 2 than you don't know me that well. She talks sh**, and keeps it real and it goes don't get no RIGHTER!!! Lily and PINK should get together and make a song, that would kick every other LOVE songs ass out the door! I'm waiting on you Lily!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Flava Flav, worst wanna-be-actor on earth
I was flippin' through channels last night trying to find something worth watching on regular TV (thanks mom and dad for not ever putting cable in the house). Apparently I've been spoiled with my stolen cable at my apartment because I know I can fill in endless amounts of wasted hours watching cable crap TV. I'm drifting from my point though...someone at UPN or My CW or whatever the hell that network is now calling themselves now, decided to give Flava Flav his own sitcom.....................................................................................................................................................................................I know, it took my a while to think about what idiot would do that. As if Flava of Love wasn't hard enough to watch, they decided to have Flav memorize lines for a sitcom with some poor actors and throw in every stereotype and fake laughing tracks to make it seem like it's a good show. Well ladies and gents, it's NOT. It (as most things I dislike), made me throw up a little bit in my mouth when I saw it on my TV screen. It's just so damn hard to find good TV now-a-days. It's usually only found on Thursdays. Every other day of the week broadcasts crap.
Lets lay out the characters of this show that Flav stars in:
Flava Flav - rich uncle that's super ebonics ghetto and shout-talks for every line out his mouth since that's the only way he knows how to talk
Husband - Flav's cousin who is a well off realestate agent that only sells to celebrities in California (where the show takes place). Married to gold diggin white skinny blonde woman with two mixed teenagers
Wife - Gold digging woman who married only for the riches and neighborhood, has no mom qualities about her, acts as if her kids aren't even hers
Daughter - almost what Christina Applegate's character was in Married With Children [TRASHY HOOCHIE STYLE]
Son - nerd alert!!! He's wearing clothes like Carlton Banks from Fresh Prince as well as stealing that character that was already made in the early 90's
Maid - Old Asian lady who wears stereotypical asian servant-clothes with those flat rice field picking hats that you would wear out in the fields. She has lots of one liners that basically make every stereotype of Asians put on the front line.
One word can best describe this show called UNDER ONE ROOF.....that word would be AWFUL!
Moral: bad TV is just that...bad TV, don't waste your time on it ever, you'll regret it.
Lets lay out the characters of this show that Flav stars in:
Flava Flav - rich uncle that's super ebonics ghetto and shout-talks for every line out his mouth since that's the only way he knows how to talk
Husband - Flav's cousin who is a well off realestate agent that only sells to celebrities in California (where the show takes place). Married to gold diggin white skinny blonde woman with two mixed teenagers
Wife - Gold digging woman who married only for the riches and neighborhood, has no mom qualities about her, acts as if her kids aren't even hers
Daughter - almost what Christina Applegate's character was in Married With Children [TRASHY HOOCHIE STYLE]
Son - nerd alert!!! He's wearing clothes like Carlton Banks from Fresh Prince as well as stealing that character that was already made in the early 90's
Maid - Old Asian lady who wears stereotypical asian servant-clothes with those flat rice field picking hats that you would wear out in the fields. She has lots of one liners that basically make every stereotype of Asians put on the front line.
One word can best describe this show called UNDER ONE ROOF.....that word would be AWFUL!
Moral: bad TV is just that...bad TV, don't waste your time on it ever, you'll regret it.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Janet Jackson Cancels Tour...and more news
I was going to try and grap some extra tickets to the Janet Jackson Tour that was going to be in DC this Wed......but I guess I'll just have to dream about it and be glad that I didn't spend a CENT on it since she's cancelled her entire Tour. That's right ladies and gents, Miss Janet has decided that due to her on-going health issues, she won't be able to successfully continue the tour. To be honest, I'm not sure if she will ever come back on a tour like this either. Can't she just do the same stuff that Madonna did as she got older? Whatever Madonna has been doing has been working out GREAT for her and Janet was in that same line of entertainers for my generation. What's good Janet?
Onto other news, I was watching this mini doc on and found out that 1 in every 2,000 babies are born with ambiguous genitals!!! I just hope I don't have those same issues when and if I decide to have kids in the future.
Moral: Don't always expect those icons to pull through when it comes to preformance may get disapointed like Janet's fans
Monday, October 13, 2008
Britney Spears (her real come back)......
Friday, October 10, 2008
Fro-Hawk...or vagina landing strip?

I'm a bit confused with hair these days. Especially since not everyone can get away with them. When someone does something drastically different with their hair, it's because they're either bored with their current look, got out of a completely different life style phase, or just broke up with someone and wanted to switch up their moods and style. All of which are fine ideas and I think that everyone has been through this at least once in their life.
My issue is specifically with the FRO-HAWK. Now I think that this works much better on ladies or guys with long hair because...well...they have LONG hair. For the rest of you, (especially dudes), this makes you look like you have a vagina landing strip. I'm sorry to be the one to say it but it's true. Please just shave it off completely and start all over again.
I blame Diddy and his followers for this one. It's like Mr.T gone bad :-( And I love me some Mr. T folks. I even have a carry around key chain of Mr.T think I'm playin?
Moral: Just don't do it
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Who the F*** is Plies????
After reading one of my girls old posts on her blog, I realized something. Who the F*** is Plies? There was a whole YouTube video of these horrid classless dirty south hoes that were trying to be on some coming up reality TV show about an "artist" (if you can call him that), from I-don't-know-where-and-don't-care-USA named PLIES.
Now I like to stay up on my music scene and I know most of the major musicians out there to this day, but as far as SOME of the folks in the rap game, they've slipped through the cracks because they're AWFUL and make horrible rap music. Plies can be added to the AWFUL catagory. Here's what I know or have learned in the past 15 minutes about him:
- He loves to wear gold grillzzzzzz
- He loves hoes (big surprise with the classy females that are going to be featured on his reality TV show....unsure of what network is going to be picking up this crap, probably VH1,MTV or BET).
-He LOOOOOVES wearing a giant necklaces that has a HUGE Nacho Libre wrestling head hanging from his neck at all times.
-He's about to release his third album....anyone heard of the first two? no??....exactly
-He likes to pose in pictures pretending to shoot something with his nuckles (SUPER COOL!)
-He made that song called "SHAWTY" with T Pain...which just happens to be the same song I hit the snooze bar to in the morning when my station ends up playing that and I can't stand waking up to that BS.
- oh I guess he made up that "song" HI HATER....lets be clear about this though, is it still considered a song if all you're doing is talking over the beat with no technique?...Answer is NO
Moral: Plies..............FAIL
Now I like to stay up on my music scene and I know most of the major musicians out there to this day, but as far as SOME of the folks in the rap game, they've slipped through the cracks because they're AWFUL and make horrible rap music. Plies can be added to the AWFUL catagory. Here's what I know or have learned in the past 15 minutes about him:
- He loves to wear gold grillzzzzzz
- He loves hoes (big surprise with the classy females that are going to be featured on his reality TV show....unsure of what network is going to be picking up this crap, probably VH1,MTV or BET).
-He LOOOOOVES wearing a giant necklaces that has a HUGE Nacho Libre wrestling head hanging from his neck at all times.
-He's about to release his third album....anyone heard of the first two? no??....exactly
-He likes to pose in pictures pretending to shoot something with his nuckles (SUPER COOL!)
-He made that song called "SHAWTY" with T Pain...which just happens to be the same song I hit the snooze bar to in the morning when my station ends up playing that and I can't stand waking up to that BS.
- oh I guess he made up that "song" HI HATER....lets be clear about this though, is it still considered a song if all you're doing is talking over the beat with no technique?...Answer is NO
Moral: Plies..............FAIL
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
So despite the highlight of TV last night (which was watching the debates like most other folks that care about what might happen to our country), I was busy watching the new season of THE REAL HOUSE WIVES OF ATLANTA on Bravo.....whaaaaaaat!!?? Lets begin with the materialistic-ness that surrounds EVERY SINGLE ONE of these shows. They had the first one in Orange County, CA. followed by the NYC style and now dirty south style. It's like they really have nothing better to do than to throw parties for themselves and talk about what they're wearing. Do folks honestly give a sh** about this type of stuff? Let me take that back because I know that some people do, they're also the folks that I can't kick it with EVER because they're not in a world of reality and are usually dumb as dishwater. Or are people just amazed at how superficial everything is on the shows like I am, so they can't stop watching it? It's like watching a train wreck. It's gotta be one of the two...right!??? It's like when MTV Cribs came out, and everyone believed what they saw. Ummmm I personally know that more than half of those folks borrowed cars for one day, or rented them for one day to show them off as if they owned them, when they definitely didn't. But the general public is just THAT DUMB that they believe anything and everything they see and hear on TV (sh** is depressing).
So after watching those bammafied gold diggin' wives that don't do sh** but spend their husbands money all day and year long, I moved on to an even more despressing show. This is called "I want to be Paris Hilton's new BFF" (I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit while I typed that). This is a show about 13-15 girls and guys who want to be Paris Hilton's tools, and have the most stereotypical personalities picked out of a bad Disney movie and don't even personally know Paris; they just know the same things that everyone else in the world knows about her, which is that she's a whore, horrible in bed and has made herself into a celebrity by not doing anything at all. They have challenges on the show such as: who can drink the most and club hop all night with Paris without throwing up. REALLY????!!!??? That's a f***ing challenge?
Lets create another show called "GANGS IN LA" and where gangs will have drive-by's of Paris and her tools of "friends" and just get rid of them all together at the same time :-) They serve no purpose and are a waste to human-kind. Anyone down for this?........
Moral: Don't be a tool...EVER
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Teenagers still bother me

So as I'm walking home from work past the construction site near the Metro that they've decided to work on in the middle of what's about to be WINTER....(dummies), I was walking by a few different groups of teenagers that clearly just come to the bus stops in downtown Silver Spring to kick it and be as loud as they can for NO reason except to get approval from their other "going-no-where" mini-me friends. I have one of the largest bags on earth that can fit a small child in it, this is why it's also known as a BABY CHANGING BAG....I didn't realize that that's what it was until I'd already purchased it....side-track to the point of this story. So as I'm walking by this one group of yet again loud and obnoxious teenagers, my bag hits this girls butt. Now my bag hits just about everyone that crosses it's path, it's sorta my bags "thing" if you will. But this fat ass girl turned and goes "ewwwwww why'd you touch my butt" (mind you I had my iShuffle BLASTING in my ears as to not hear nasty old men hit on me when I'm walking home...but I heard her LOUD ASS through my earphones). At that moment there were so many things I wanted to yell back at her, like,
"sorry that my giant bag feels like a hand to your obese teenage body and ass, apparently the fat on your awful NBC news break body thinks that anything touching it might just be a hand; go eat 4 more Big Macs fatty, I know you're thinking about it already"
But, I didn't and I wasn't even facing her so I just kept on walking.
Moral: teenagers, stay in your rRIGHT/ NORMAL weight range...I know that things are happening to your body at this time in your life, but weight shouldn't be something to think about.
Monday, October 6, 2008

I just saw something that made me wonder where all of our wasted money is going towards these days......apparently some of us have been spending it on him. You know what's so amazing about R Kelly though?.....he can literally TALK SING about just some random old conversation. That's really all he's been doing lately. "TALK SINGING"
The BEST part about what I'm about to show you is the very end...I can't tell if it's real or not, but that sh** is HILARIOUS SON!!!
Moral: Just because you can sing, doesn't mean that you have anything worth while to sing about.....
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sometimes Q-Tip just shows up at your friends store...

Last night I went to an event that made me miss being a DJ again :-( I went to my friends clothing store (which is the sh** by the way on Florida and U St. NW DC), and ended up watching Q-Tip perform some of his new songs from his album coming out next month. Here are the things I learned during this excellent experience:
1) Hip Hop is still alive and breathing
2) Real hip hop crowds do not consist of stank a** people, or over-hyped up folks
3) There is such a thing as an artist who doesn't sell out for some BS
4) Classic hip hop performers (like Q-Tip), are bringing hip hop back to the first days when folks were just trying to make it and would perform on a soap box just to let you hear their music and what they had to say.
5) Q-Tip will be performing in a school gym near you :-) seriously, he's taking it out of the regular music venues to doing this sh** from the bottom up all over again, even when folks already know his name.
I LOVE him....hands down. Not only did he make my ears smile with his music, but he just got me through the week with knowing that he's bringing FRESH SH** BACK! It's really good to know that I don't have to listen to fake a** sh**, or folks that come on WAY TOO thick and HEAVY on the radio. THE GAME is a perfect example of taking it heavy...or G-Unit...or Lil Wayne...the list goes on and on. I'm glad that a regular a** dude (who happens to be a Hip Hop icon) could come into a clothing store and perform new great hits. We can call him a HIP HOP CLASSIC.
Moral: Support true and real artists...not the made up sh** that you see in the stores now
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