Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So despite the highlight of TV last night (which was watching the debates like most other folks that care about what might happen to our country), I was busy watching the new season of THE REAL HOUSE WIVES OF ATLANTA on Bravo.....whaaaaaaat!!?? Lets begin with the materialistic-ness that surrounds EVERY SINGLE ONE of these shows. They had the first one in Orange County, CA. followed by the NYC style and now dirty south style. It's like they really have nothing better to do than to throw parties for themselves and talk about what they're wearing. Do folks honestly give a sh** about this type of stuff? Let me take that back because I know that some people do, they're also the folks that I can't kick it with EVER because they're not in a world of reality and are usually dumb as dishwater. Or are people just amazed at how superficial everything is on the shows like I am, so they can't stop watching it? It's like watching a train wreck. It's gotta be one of the two...right!??? It's like when MTV Cribs came out, and everyone believed what they saw. Ummmm I personally know that more than half of those folks borrowed cars for one day, or rented them for one day to show them off as if they owned them, when they definitely didn't. But the general public is just THAT DUMB that they believe anything and everything they see and hear on TV (sh** is depressing).

So after watching those bammafied gold diggin' wives that don't do sh** but spend their husbands money all day and year long, I moved on to an even more despressing show. This is called "I want to be Paris Hilton's new BFF" (I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit while I typed that). This is a show about 13-15 girls and guys who want to be Paris Hilton's tools, and have the most stereotypical personalities picked out of a bad Disney movie and don't even personally know Paris; they just know the same things that everyone else in the world knows about her, which is that she's a whore, horrible in bed and has made herself into a celebrity by not doing anything at all. They have challenges on the show such as: who can drink the most and club hop all night with Paris without throwing up. REALLY????!!!??? That's a f***ing challenge?

Lets create another show called "GANGS IN LA" and where gangs will have drive-by's of Paris and her tools of "friends" and just get rid of them all together at the same time :-) They serve no purpose and are a waste to human-kind. Anyone down for this?........

Moral: Don't be a tool...EVER

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