What a disapointing expression of art/fashion and music all in one place at the same time. This could have been due to several things in being as bad as they were:
1.) someone slipped through the hiring process for MTV and just graduated from high school and made everything for that generation
2.) Hollywood believes that no matter what, anything goes....WRONG
3.) someone with no talent slept their way to the top to get the top executive position to produce the awards with ZERO experience
Seriously, it could have been any of those reasons. I still can't believe I wasted all those hours watching it last night, just hoping that someone would steal the show. WRONG
Not only was it impossible to watch (mainly due to that f**king annoying British dude that wouldn't shut up and thought that he was hilarious....I never heard people really laugh at his jokes, they went by his crazy awful appearance). They literally ignored the motto, "Don't judge a book by it's cover" He SUCKED so badly.
Now here's my list of everything that was wrong about this years VMA's:
1) Rhianna's new look (what's up with the mullet/rat-tail?) and why did she have toilet paper hanging off the entire back of her so called "dress" ??? Does Chris Brown still want to hit that after the way she looked last night? He probably threw up a little bit in his mouth like I did.
2) Britney Spears weave-o-rific hot mess hair of the week (way to go guuuurl)......I love how you could see exactly where the attachments were made when there was a spotlight behind her highlighting all of her hair, or what's left of it still (womp womp)
3) Lil Wayne's undies need to stay the F**k in their place (inside your jeans), What girls think that you look good? They must be more busted looking than yourself. First off you look like a troll with bad luck. You're not hood anymore, you dress like a f**king douche bag from Williamsburg BK with your trendy ass outfits. You're swagger and grimy side is completely GONE *poof*....Lil Wayne gets a quick FAIL from me with his style.
4) T-Pain.....honestly what the F**K were you thinking with that horrid outfit of yours? You just stole Solange Knowles bamma of the week award with your outfit. Looking like the MAD TEA HATTER from Alice In Wonderland... NOT PIMPIN'!!!! Flava Flav already took that look awhile ago. FAIL
Ladies and Gents, the ONLY good act was PINK because she's the SH** and knows it and she's good at what she does. She stole everyones show for the night. I didn't like Kayne's new song....it's going to be one of those tracks that you hear over and over and over again and that's how the music industry tries to make everyone like the same song. Lets be clear about something though,...if you don't like it the first time you hear it, that means that it's BAD. Kayne, FAIL. Everyone get off the d**k-rydin' conceded Kanye Train...it's not cute and he's still a bamma as well.
In terms of outfits that everyone wore last night, it can best be discribed with one word: AWFUL. The fashion world is on a halt with what they're trying to do with musicians, because they obviously didn't even try to make ANYONE look good last night. Did you see what Lindsey Lohan was wearing? It was a joke. It's like nobody was trying and then there's Britney Spears and her hooker Vegas dresses...poor thing, she's such a hick it's unbelievable. The only entertaining outfit was what Katty Perry wore, it was this white old school 50's style swimsuit/ jumpsuit that had a banana on her shoulder strap that she could peal and she did while performing 'I Kissed a Girl'. (I hate that song, but it's catchy as hell).
So MTV, I'm disapointed in you. You brought NOTHING to the table last night, you're staff should be fired. I hope you have a good excuse and I can't believe that some of the reviews I've been reading were in support of the award show. F**king AWFUL.
Moral: bad things happen to good networks.....MTV FAIL