So I hate to turn this blog into anything besides meaningless information and opinions...BUT, I have to put my personal political foot down on a few things. As you have probably figured out by now, I'm a pretty liberal person. That's just me, and if you're extremely conservative then that's fine too, I honestly don't knock peoples own style, BUT...when it interferes with a womans body or circumstance, then I differ A LOT with peoples opinions.
This whole Palin being a woman and "breaking the glass ceiling" for other women...I'm just NOT buying it. Here's the situation and how I see it...Obama had this upper hand with the conversation of CHANGE and how he and his party would make those differences in our country as a whole, then he brought on board Biden because of his politics and experience with WORLD RELATIONS (something that we've been lacking for the past 8 years). This is brought up EVERY time I travel overseas so please don't argue with me about this because you will loose.
So then there's McCain (I don't have a HUGE problem with HIM specifically, but I differ in his options on a lot of topics), I actually don't mind the guy that much otherwise; he's no Obama (that's for sure) and I'm not voting for McCain, BUT...it might not be the end of the this country if he got elected into office if it wasn't for one other person that would be put in there too and her name is Palin. Now THIS is where the bad stuff starts to paint into the picture of reality (or in her case, lack there of since she's lived in a bubble since birth). I know the arguements of how much the VP doesn't affect what the president does and what the whole purpose is in having a VP in the first place, but lets look at one person that's changed the face of VP's in our history and could be compared to the DEVIL...his name is Chaney and he's a SCARY MUTHA F**KA. He's the reason why there CAN be bad decisions made if you have a weak president...or one that would pass away as soon as they were elected (McCain is a prime example of that happening), which would then mean that Palin would take over.
HUGE PROBLEM, among the fact that Palin won't allow anyone to interview her (because Republicans are trying to cover all the WRONGS with her family and their past and need time to do this), she is not the type of "WOMAN" that I've grown up knowing or being close to or admiring, or one that even cares about other womens rights! She's a clone of what every conservative MAN on earth has wanted from a woman (one that agrees with them ALL THE TIME and just stands there and doesn't do much else)...well folks she's THAT woman, that much is true and proven with everything that comes out of her mouth.
I found out something this week that really pissed the SH** out of me dealing with her as well. Her city was charging fees to victims of rape for kits that help fight off diseases etc. (anywhere else you go to in our country they are FREE because nobody CHOOSES to be raped), it's a crime and should ALWAYS be punished, so what does our friend Palin do? She punishes the victims! What a wonderful human. Apparently she's THAT religious that she believes that RAPE is "gods will" and she wanted to make a point by being Satin and destroy women who are helpless victims (what a great person to represent out country).
So here's another article that I read today from The Washington Post about our friend Palin and apparently the women that are impressed and support her because she's a mother and a multi-tasker (fart). I wish they would have come to ME and asked my opinion, seems pretty biased with the types of women that they picked to interview...but whatever, not really that surprised since it supports the view of the article to begin with.
Moral: Fight for something worth fighting for
OK, first the article overall is a crappy article. I took away nothing substative. And it's not so admirable that she's a govenor and mother to five kids. Michelle Obama is a professional working mother of two...big deal. Palin is only doing what the majority of women do in today's society; working and taking care of home. I wish people would stop applauding the Republican Party for letting a female run for Vice President, because it's a sham to try to cover up the fact that McCain is just not right for the job. It's insulting to women if you ask me. I'm not saying it's bad that she's conservative, but she's ultra-conservative and her views are not compatible with the time in which we live. While I personally do not agree with abortion, I do understand that there are just some circumstances when it would be necessary...I think it's naive of her to try to preach abstinence (or however you spell that world), when for years we've always learned to practice safe sex. I swear I will be right behind you if Obama doesn't win.
Spelling Correction- It's Cheney, not Chaney.
Its Satan, not Satin. Satin is a smooth, silky fabric.
I couldnt help myself but to comment. Palin's husband works a job that allows him to work every other week. On the weeks he works the childrens grandparents live at their house. I thought that was interesting. I read that in the new issue of News Week that came out Monday. And by the way, McCain has 7 children and no one has said "Oh wow he can not run for president he should be home attending to his children" Just want to say that I do NOT agree with Palins views on abortion along with other views she has. (my opinion is that NO politician has the right to make a decision for every woman ever to get pregnant in this country). I wish people talked MORE about politicians stance on important issues and LESS about their opinions on how to run their lives. fact is no one is perfect and we are looking for a president not a best friend.
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