I had an eventful weekend. It involved a good ol' fashioned POTLUCK....which there was plenty of on both ends, POT & LUCK. The following day was my girls surprise engagement party which ended up finishing dancing to Reggae music until 2am....folks, THIS is where it all went down hill.
Not only did I have a GREEN MONSTER to start off with when I got there (Long Island Iced Tea with melon juice instead of coke to make it green).......but I kept droppin' it like it's HOT to every song that was played. I even put on a little show to make heads turn, THANK GOD they stopped and started dancing themselves because what I'm about to share with you next would have been AWFUL if anyone but my friends saw it.
Apparently I dropped it like it was TOO HOT, and my pants decided that during Buju Bunton's song "Champion" they would part ways......my pants divorced eachother right there on the dance floor. My pants SPLIT from the belt loop ALL the way down to my knee cap. I COULD NOT MAKE THIS UP IF I WANTED TO.
So what does anyone do when their pants split? That's right.....GET THE F*** out of there!!!!! Which is what I did with my girls brothers shirt tied around my waste that hung low enough to block my extremely exposed a** to the streets. Good thing I drove too, riding the METRO pant-less, isn't a good look in DC.
MORAL: don't buy linen "jeans" and think that you can dance in them....they will hate you and prove it on the dance floor
lmmmaoooooooo semra get your life together...only youuuuu
haha, oh semra, julian just showed me this and i almost peed my pants. that once happened to a groomsman at a wedding julian and i went to... but he didn't get to leave.
i'll try not to bust a move in linen jeans while in ecuador... besos.
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