We've all been through this, but I find them particularly annoying,...pointless conversations in the office. There's always someone in your office that seems to either want to be part of your life, or has non of their own and wants to know what you're doing for the weekend (not that they're trying to hang out with you either, they just want to know your business because they're nosey or want to compare your life to theirs outside of the office). I don't care for these types of, "office folk" personally, and there's A LOT of you out there that share this exact same feeling.
When I started working in an office I never once thought to myself that I was going to become friends with anyone here beyond an OFFICE friendship (totally different than an actual friend), you just end up having to tolorate certain conversations...which are ALL pointless.
Every Monday you get the "how was your weekend?" questions from people that you don't care about. Nobody actually cares about how YOUR weekend was, they're just talking for the sake of hearing their own voice, and when they need something from you they will feel like they have the right to ask you for things later on. I hate this.
Then on Friday you get the "what are you getting into this weekend?" question...again, they don't care. They want to know how much more boring your weekend will be compared to theirs. This is why you should never engage in these conversations, just let them fall to the floor and give the one word short and simple answers that are EXTREMELY general.
Q: How was your weekend?
A: it was great.
Q: What are you getting into this weekend?
A: a lot.
There's my office lesson to you. Use those answers whenever you feel the need to get everyone away from you. It shuts down POINTLESS CONVERSATIONS quickly. Trust me, I'm a pro at this.
Moral: not everyone was made to be your friend
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Good stuff.
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