Normally I don't read many other folks blogs (even though I write my own and you're reading it now)...but I had to read one that came from the Washington City Paper. It was about Jill Scott. Now I don't like to bash on the ladies in the music industry that actually sing about topics that I can relate to as a woman, BUT....the comment that someone wrote back on how Jill Scotts topics have changed made me laugh out loud. I'm sorry but it's actually true. In the blog (here it is if you want to read it, it's short: JILL), they talked mainly about how her material is always about LOVE and things that ladies go through, emotional roller coster relationships, the difference between her and my FAVORITE WOMAN Erykah Badu...but it also addressed a poem that Jill wrote about pooping:
I pushed
andI grunted
andI labored
andI squeezed
andYou splashed
andI cleaned
andI stood
andI flushed
and I don’t even think of you now
So the response from a reader CRACKED ME UP, this is what they said:
"You forgot to mention that Jill loves to sing about food. Her morbid obesity is a testament to her unhealthy relationship with food. Considering how much she consumes it really isn’t surprising that she’s written a poem about defecating."
So wrong, but yet SOOOOOOOOO RIGHT!!!! It don't get no RIGHTER!!!!
Here's something else to laugh at that makes fun of people that you'll enjoy, THANKS BLACK VOICE!
Moral: IN YO FACE!
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