So like most of you out there, I work a regular 9-5. I fortunately get to work in the industry that I studied and enjoyed working in, but my position is FAR from what I have done for the radio world and it's even further from any sort of promotion. But guess what guys...apparently less than 39% of people in my age group like/ are satisfied with their jobs. Now the economy SUCKS here. The value of our American dollar has gone WAY down (hense why folks aren't traveling to Europe in the summer time like almost everyone else was doing every summer for the past 4 decades).
Anyfart, I'm not surprised by that statistic one bit considering the same responses I get from close friends working in similar or totally different industries; but I AM upset that I'm only sticking around because nobody else is really hiring that I'm interested in working for, and I don't wanna job hunt while I don't have a job, and I don't want to loose my health-care (a whole other subject that I could and will blog about since our "system" SUCKS when it comes to that mess). As you know, I'm pretty much stuck here due to this operation coming up that could cost up to $10,000 - $18,000 just to get this procedure done (big dent in the pockets if you're not covered by health care). It's really out of control and it's one thing after another it seems.
It really sucks that there's no union for 20 somethings 'just cause'. We should create a "just cause" union so we can do whatever the hell we wanted to do. I know that in this country most come here because it's the "land of opportunity" and people want to live out their own "American Dreams" which usually ends up with people wanting fancy cars and mansions. How typical is that sh**? It's all the same f***ing dream dudes and dudettes! Just be satisfied if you're HAPPY at your job. That's what I say. Don't pop out kids if you can't afford them, or just get on some BC and condoms (you can never be too safe) especially since the STD and AIDS rates in this town are out of control. There's many reasons why kids should NOT come into this world. But the ones that WOULD listen to what I just said are either not reading this blog, or are too ignorant as it is and have daddy issues and pop out kids like Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors (am I wrong?...exactly, let me continue).
Here's a list of some movies that helped me and can help you if you're feeling like your HATE the SH** out of your job:
1) Office Space
2) Old School
4) Nine to Five
Moral: Only stop working where you're at if you can mooch off your family / friends (they must be well off and willing if you pick this plan), and please stop having children if you're not fit to be a parent, it's such a basic thing to say, but TRUST me, it's worth the wait.
Big AMEN to all of the above!
I am 25yrs old and on my 5th career change. I heard that the average person born in my age group will switch jobs at least 20 times over the course of their lifetime, scary. I can tell you one thing from all of my experience: if you hate your job LEAVE. Life is too short and a suck ass job can ruin it. There are always going to be excuses as to why you need to stay at your job, and some of them valid (example you need major surgery). But take the risks you can afford and get the fuck out and gain control of your life again. If you are miserable than the money is NOT worth it (unless you make millions then a little pain and anguish is prob worth it). Dont talk about it, be about it. I admire people that take action and change things in their lives even when its not the easy thing to do.
I hope that in the future all people will be fixed at birth. That way you would have to go through a process to even be able to try to have children. If stupid people keep reproducing then we are going to be the dumbest country ever, if we arent already. Every generation is going to breed more and more idiots until we are so stupid that we cannot function as a society. No doctors, no lawyers, no accountants cause no one can count. Not everyone should have children, and no one should have children for the wrong reasons.
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