That's right folks...God and Sex go hand in hand. There was this article that I was reading this morning which was SOOOOOO rediculous that I HAD to share it with you. It goes a little something like this:
Sex in Crisis - by Dagmar Herzog is a book that explores the religious connection between sex and sexual acts among the Christian faith. It's basically talking about how conservative religious groups are condoning sex (as long as you're straight and in a marriage), and encourage all woman to drop everything that they're doing if their husbands need sex at that very moment no matter how awkward the place is etc. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that happening among all male dominated religions accross the globe to women already?? According to my book, it was called sexist as well as a slave-act. Look up all the rapes that happened to the African American slaves brought to the US of A. Ahhhh yes folks, we can't forget our fine history here, as well as all the Native Americans that were first thrown and killed off their own land. Land of the free my ass. Anyways I digress...
Current TV said that, "The conservative right are using the (literally) touchy feely language of sex-positivism to demonstrate how much they 'value' and 'respect' women, and acknowledge that sex is a vital (and maybe even fun!) part of relationships... as long as its not DIRTY AND SINFUL. In conservative right-speak, "prostitution demeans the value of women" equals "so lets withdraw AIDS outreach efforts to prostitutes in developing countries, cause they shouldn't be doing it anyway." I know....my jaw dropped too when I read that folks. I can't believe that there are actually humans out there and think this way, it's AMAZING, in a horrible way. This is the ignorance of the world and mind-set that we all live in.
The other GREAT part of this whole thing was that the, "best of all is the news that good wives who put out wherever, whenever (and whatever time of the month) will protect their husband's spiritual purity by preventing any 'need' for porn or masturbation".
I SH** YOU NOT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, this is stuff that some religious conservatives really believe. So that's that. Man's satisfied, woman's satisfied, God's satisfied - and Jesus is coming again.
hahahahahahaha...this is why I can't be religious, it's people who think just like that and believe that with all their heart that they're right. I can't do it!!!!!
Moral: Don't believe everything that is spit in your ear...EVER. Question everything, especially when it comes to religion. There is no easy answer.
You know, your last comment is so true, and God actually wants you to question things you hear. Being a Christian myself these kinds of thing disgust me and the people who claim to be "Christian" are not in any sense. Jesus showed compassion and love for everyone including prostitutes (Hello Mary Magdelene was one). There is a difference with being a Christian and religious. Christians show love, compassion, and know that they too are sinner, religious people do the opposite and claim to be Christians. The bible doesn't say "sleep with your husband whenever he says so", it says to respect him and it tell the husband to cherish his wife. Me sleeping with my husband at his every beck and call WILL NOT deter him form wanting to watch porn when I'm not around. If whomever wrote this really knew the heart of a Christian man then they'd know that it's a struggle for all men especially Christian men. That's the problem with some people who think they know what God knows, they end up making things worse and us true Christians get the brunt of it all. It's time for true Christians to speak up against these crackpots!! Oh and yes Jesus is coming back, it just that no one knows when!
Sorry for the long reponse, but I get fired up when it comes to my faith!
Its all a big scam to get their given religion to multiply as quickly as possible and take over the world. Crazy people with all their damn kids...
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