There has been a massive amount of news coverage on Mc.Cain's age (he's 71 folks), and the more I've seen him interviewed on late night talk shows I've realized something that I never really focused on until now.....white people (particularly men) don't age well. I'm not talking about anyone that has whitish skin, I'm talking about full blown whitties here. You may be saying to yourself, "Semra, you're white you know" and YES, thank you for this amazing thought driven statement, I am white (even though my family in Turkey has olive skin and I got the white gene from my moms family in Norway). I'll age just fine, because I've got all sorts of crazy genes in my blood. If I were Irish or something, I wouldn't be able to say the same thing.....again I digress....my focus is on white men, specifically John McCain. I think that he's gotten older in the past 8 months, and not just a little bit, it's as if he's gained 4 years in age in the past few months. I'm not sure that he'll make it to November for our votes.
This is extremely interesting to me, especially when you look at someone like Pharrell Williams who hasn't aged over the age 16 for the past 20 years (did you know that he's actually 45?). He will always look like a little boy. I'm not sure that I like that either though, if you were to decide on someone that doesn't age EVER and one that ages per second, which one would you pick? You're probably thinking of that scene in Big Daddy where Adam Sandler goes, "but he's OLD....with his old balls and old D*** and he's just OLD" and that's probably going to be the first veto (old man)....and.......you probably SHOULD pick someone that doesn't age. Although then folks would think that you're their parent and not their partner, so is THAT fun? Nope. I think I've given you a no win question here, so I'll give you an easy question and answer:
What did the five fingers say to the face?
Moral: Rick James always wins..............always, except when it comes to drugs, apparently he LOST to that one.
Well as the saying goes, Black don't Crack!
Oh Sem, Pharrell is 35! Lol.
Pharrell Williams is 38 good point but he's not 45
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