So, as I was BEAT from yesterday at work...I decided to kick it at me casa and watch this over-done birthday celebration for Nelson Mandela on VH1. Now I'm NOT knocking on Nelson Mandela AT ALL, I'm knocking on VH1 trying to over do and market his birth with a bunch of large named bands to perform in the name of what he's done. I mean the man is 90 years old after all and that's impressive enough to me. I guess they wanted to plug his other 8 non profit foundations that he's started as well. Fine because they're all for good causes, I just don't like VH1 sometimes, that's all. I guess it's my own personal beef with them and those stupid ass reality shows they throw up every season.
But what I was REALLY surprised about was the Amy Winehouse performance. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE ME SOME AMY...but I also know her drug habits and just like Whitney when she was on crack with Bobby, your voice WILL NOT SOUND GOOD LIVE. The studio pulled a Britney on her (as in, she sounds sooooo much better in the studio than in person), here's proof from her performance last night for Mandela's birthday.
It's just REALLY hard for me to watch her little twig frame try and dance, or just kinda shake around the stage as if she's in a long on-going seizure. Just very difficult to watch PERIOD. Then if you catch her eyes in some of the camera shots, you see how lost she looks, it's as if she has no idea how she got on stage or what she's supposed to be doing. It was like watching a drunk person at a Karaoke bar...you know, the ones with trannies and all sorts of fun stuff to look at.
That's all, I just couldn't believe how she looked....and is that REALLY her own hair? Or are they extensions? There's no way that that's her own hair, it's re-donk-u-lous.
Moral: Don't do drugs
1 comment:
that video clip was disturbing and ironic! Slurring like a drunk fool, dancing around like a crackhead, her back up dancers were like the opposite of her they were like profesional singers! Doesnt she have emphazema?
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