2009 has been an interesting and sad year for me and my friends. I've seen A LOT of good & bad. So many people have passed this year that has mostly been a total shock for me & others, (
part of life I know, but hard when you see it unfold before your eyes). To all of you who have lost someone that was close to you, let me first say that I am truly sorry that you're going through this and that I hope that you have had some closure and time to see the world in a different light and that maybe this will help you grow and take control of parts of you that you had lost before. We always learn something with each thing we loose in life, so it's important to know the lesson in each chapter of your life. As for the not so serious notes parts of 2009 here's my list:
Snuggies!!!! Yes those corny commercials sold me on getting one for my dad this Christmas. And let me say it is Luxurious Fleece indeed, if there is such a thing as they claim in their infomercial.
Best movies: The Hangover, Up In The Air, Coco Before Chanel
Best Albums: Jay-Z, Wale, Lady Gaga, Lilly Allen, Kings of Leon
Best moments: Kanye West taking away Taylor Swift's award speech at the VMA's, Play It Off Keyboard Cat on Youtube.com,
My best trips: California (LA & San D to see 2 of my fabu ladies was amazing and made me want to move out there in a flash), Vegas (during a large rodeo, always a plus w/ real cowboys), NYC (where all the magic is and where I will eventually end up).
Best exhibit: Brian Jungan (Canadian/ Native American artist) at the Native American Museum in DC, the way he used every day objects & furniture was simply amazing. His eye to be able to transform them into art was thinking completely outside of the box and is worth a trip since it will be there through the summer of 2010.
Best Magazine RIP: Missbehave
Best new discovered web sites: Yelp.com (
restaurant/ museum/ club/ lounge/ event review site), thepeopleofwalmart.com (
because we all need to feel better about ourselves).
Best new lounge in DC: Policy (
Tues. nights)
Best new goal in life: Make your own happiness and learn how to maintain it to the best of your ability no matter what the obstacles.
OK so to be honest, doing a year in review can be pretty tough considering how much I've been sucked into my job and own personal life and haven't been heavily influenced by outside things that many of the rest of the world have seen or been affected by. We got a new president, everyone leaned towards that good old fashioned word, "
HOPE." Not to knock on Obama, because I do like the guy, (
people really fell for the campaign though, which was strong and the first of it's kind using the technology outlits it used...mainly because of the demographic that was working on the campaign which was a fairly young crowd). But anyone that would have taken over couldn't fix the sh** that George W left from his 8 years in office. With that being said, everyone fell for the same miracle word in "
HOPING" that every American issue would be solved within his first year in office, clearly that's not the case and NOBODY would ever have been able to do that, so folks, lets just get over it now and if you can control your own issues and figure out a solution, HELP YOUSELF, stop depending on the government to help solve all of your issues. (
sorry for the run on sentence there) Here's a simple thought and might be my Jerry Springer FINAL THOUGHT of the day:
With all problems, there is a solution, it may take some time to figure out, but there IS a solution because there are no problems that don't have a solution.