So I got rushed to the ER at the crack of dawn on Friday morning last week in serious pain all around my stomach and back.....only to find out that my gallbladder is "diseased." What the F does that mean, you might ask yourself...well that's a very good question and thanks for asking it. Apparently if you drink a lot of booze and LQ (which I LOVE) and eat enough crap, your gallbladder will say no and begin to develop STONES (which actually aren't stones, they're more like sharp crystals that are tiny and hurt like a B****!), and when they're trying to pass all those fatty oils and foods from your liver to your gallbladder stones develop and make it painful for your body to function right. So apparently my gallbladder is diseased which means that you can't just take out the stones that have developed, you must remove your entire gallbladder (a short procedure with a long recovery period). So I guess the streets WON'T be seeing me any time soon :-( Womp Womp Womp Whaaaa.
The good news is that I'll be a much healthier person and have more money since I won't spend it on food and drinks while I'm out with friends. The sad part is that I'll be that one pathetic looser at the restaurant ordering a salad with EVERYTHING on the side. The other good news is that I still attract homeless and crazy people into my office building!!!
If you know me well enough then you may have experienced something that not many others get to experience, it's a little thing called HOMELESS PEOPLE THAT FOLLOW SEMRA INSIDE RESTAURANTS. Oh yeah that's right folks homeless people LOOOOOOOOOOVE them some Semra. I mean who wouldn't!? At least I know what I attract...ok yeah it's sad and true. So it happened to me again while I was here at the office. There's always something sad happening like guys trying to sell those "funny" GIANT TV remote controls.....I'd love to shoot the person who invented that one in the arm just due to how stupid that piece of crap is. But yeah, this guy was seriously having some mental problems where you could see him trying to get out his words in order but couldn't do it well. But his pitch of his "business" or whatever it was, wasn't clear, didn't make a lick of sense, and was like watching a dog chase it's own tail. I actually caught myself laughing at him while he was trying to be serious and he just told me that I had a GOOD SPIRIT....then he said something about whose ever up there is really taking care of me (I'm pretty sure that he was being sarcastic but since I didn't know him picked it up as CRAZY and sorta sarcastic).
ANYfart, the point of all of this is that I need a better security guard in this building, I need to make sure that I say no clearly to homeless folks that are crazy and aggressive AND I need to eat healthier.
Moral: don't be too nice, people might mistake that as the hand that feeds the hungry...and you're probably hungrier
~ Semra ~
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