Friday, June 6, 2008

The Hills (no really, what the F is this show about?)

So I'm a reality hoe like most of you guys, meaning that I watch a lot of crap on TV (since that's pretty much the only stuff left to pick from). The reality shows are CLEARLY getting out of hand. They're trying to come up with shows for every profession. So basically if you're interested in knowing what it's like to be a mailman/woman, there's probably a reality TV show that's already about it, so you don't have to wonder anymore.

There's just an unbelievable amount of reality CRAP TV out there that it's overwhelming....which brings me to my next topic: THE HILLS. Could somebody PLEASE tell me what this show is about? I sat through (I guess what was their first episode back on MTV) and I really don't get what the show is supposed to be about. But I DO know that it makes me want to beat up every single one of those people on the show, I have hate in my heart. I heard something about two of them making up to $3 million dollars from the show and then making LA club apperances......are you f***ing sh**ing me? On top of that, the guy had the nerve to say something along the lines of, "my money game is right" or "my money status can't be touched" or something that really made me wanna buy a shot gun and go out to LA and 50 Cent all over his ass. But I won't because I'm a smart girl and don't wanna get locked up. I can only hope that Suge Knight handles that situation. How great would that be? That would be gossip news like you never would have believed, haha.

Anyways, the moral of all of this is that you shouldn't watch this crap, clearly it's causing assholes like that guy to become even more cocky for not doing anything on this earth that contributes to anything but mindless entertainment. What does he even DO for a LIVING!??? People are sitting there watching him eat food, go to sleep, wake up in the morning and sh**. WHY DO WE CARE ABOUT THIS? The Development team at MTV needs to stop producing this crap and the "cast" of The Hills needs to stop sucking the d***'s of the executives that are pulling the strings of each and every one of those people. Soooooooo fake man, and we wonder why it's hard for people to trust things that they see on TV.

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