If you're like me then you've probably heard about or seen the musical "Avenue Q" (if you haven't, it's REALLY worth checking out. It's not your typical old fashioned musical, it addresses everything that most people straight out of college encounter or still struggle with, and it is HILARIOUS). The reason that I bring this up is because of one of their songs called "Everyone is a little bit racist" and in all honesty, how can we not be? I like to think that I'm one of THE most open minded people walking around the earth but you know what, there are some stereotypes about certain races that just hit on point EVERY SINGLE TIME. I won't go into them because I might offend some of you and I'm not trying to take it there, but if you've ever driven behind an Asian woman then you know what I'm talking about....ok ok sorry, but you're probably laughing and shaking your head right about now because deep down you know, and you're probably like "IT'S SO F***ing TRUE!!!!" hahaha.
Any fart, I also bring this up due to the news that came out yesterday from a FOX network program. If any of you were ignoring this bit of news, it's probably because of the fact that you're SO tired of hearing racist remarks. To be honest, I don't condone it, but I'm almost immune to it at times too. That's how racist this country has become over time, I mean I knew it was worse before my generation, but learning to become racist is a conditioned cycle that parents/ grandparents/ aunts/ uncles/ cousins etc. teach others into being. If you're only surrounded by a certain person with a certain point of view on other humans roaming the earth, you're going to start to believe that they may be right about what they're saying, ESPECIALLY if you're young and this is being said to you, you're learning what's right from wrong by words, not your own experiences yet. It's come to the point where most aren't even fighting it anymore, it's as if it's expired from affecting us, although if there is something that is CLEARLY a strong racist comment I will react because I can't STAND those people that talk like that. FOX news is one of those "people."
First of all, they do not have a single black anchor on their show and if they do it's ONLY due to EEO policies OR because the topic that is about to be discussed is about RACE (wow how did they come up with that great idea? [insert sarcasm here]). If you haven't watched the clip about what I'm talking about here it is: FOX CLIP
Moral of the Day: Don't judge others, and PLEASE don't use "GOD" as a shield to your own personal racism, it's not a cute look
Sterotypes... what a time saver. I truly believe that quote, and I am NOT racist. I hate people of all race, color, ethnic background, and lack there of EQUALLY. I do not blame this hate on my parents, grandparents, friends, or the news... I blame PEOPLE THAT LIVE UP TO THEIR GIVEN STEREOTYPE. Ignorant assholes reinforcing the sterotypes put upon them. So every time an Asian woman drives 40mph in the fast lane, or I get honked at by a bunch of latin guys in a landscaping truck, or any black person speaks in horrible ghetto ebonics... YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON TO BLAME FOR THE STEREOTYPES ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR RACE. Thats right, blame yourself.
wow! i have never been so disgusted in all my life... maybe they got away with it cause nobody ever watches FOX news... but i have to agree in part with "shell" on this one. if you want to break the mold on racial stereotypes, then don't be one. if everyone started with correcting their own behavior then that crap that was spewed forth by that conservative, white, supremist asshole would have never taken place.... in a perfect world...
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